Ask HN: What do you think about the no-code movement?

 2 years ago
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Ask HN: What do you think about the no-code movement? Ask HN: What do you think about the no-code movement? 110 points by arrayjumper 4 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 153 comments Hi HN, maybe it's just the bubble I'm in but these days I see a lot of discussion around "no-code" and the "no-code" movement. There's also a bunch of new no-code apps being launched every day - https://www.producthunt.com/topics/no-code#order=trending.

Some seem to supplement developers (eg: retool) and some empower non-engineers to be able to build websites/apps/integrations without necessarily having a developer in the loop (eg: shopify/zapier/airtable).

What do you think about this movement? Clearly these apps/platforms enable non-developers to solve a bunch of problems which would otherwise need a software engineer. Is this a paradigm shift?

It's interesting, but always calibrate their claims against the fact this is about the tenth time this movement has come around. This movement literally goes back to COBOL. That is not a typo. It's not only likely older than you are, but probably much older than you are.

I recognize COBOL may not seem like "no-code", but that's just because "no-code" is a stupid label. "No-code" doesn't mean "no code" just like "serverless" still runs on a server.

I would say the main problem with the no-code hype is the idea that it is a leader. It is not. It is a follower. "Normal" code goes out, hammers things out over the course of literally decades, and then, when it has finally settled what the best couple of ways to do something is, it's finally time for the "no code" solutions to come in and systematize that for a larger audience. Nothing wrong with that. Power to the people and all that.

It just goes wrong when no-code advocates put the cart in front of the horse and make grandiose claims about replacing all developers or something. That's not the direction the stream flows in. No-code can't operate without the "normal" developers doing immense amounts of work charting the territory and building the infrastructure to get there. There is no chance of them displacing "normal" software developers; they are structurally incapable of it. Woe unto the no-code startup that doesn't understanding this dynamic, and foolishly tries.

Things we agree on: ignore everything no-code proponents say about their tools or capabilities

Things we disagree on: code before no code

My experience has been that actual code is always superior* to no-code, because no-code is always more complex. E.g. the no-code developer environment + code (in whatever designer form) + interpreter / runtime / libraries + any integrations + actual generated code.

Consequently, business critical functions should be in actual code, if it's an option.

So where and why to use no-code?

As a prototyping tool, no-code before code, because it inverts the pyramid (few developers, many users) by making users into prototyping developers, and it makes the best use of scarce resources (code developer time).

No-code written by users allows you to waste user time figuring out all the things that are typically missing in a business spec, without wasting developer time. Then, when they've figured out exactly what they want (because it works!), developers can come back and do exactly that.

This usually involves throwing away the no-code model when coding, because it's probably not going to be architected well, but does provide a concrete, tested, proven spec.

So essentially, the company gets version 2 of the code, at the cost of 1x user time + 1x developer time. Instead of version 2 of the code, in 2x developer time, which is too expensive and never happens.

* From a TCO, maintenance and reliability standpoint

My first job out of university was working with a very large firm that bought into Computer Associates' product suite - including 4GL code generators such as Telon ("green-screen" generators) and Easytrieve (4GL report generators). From what I recall, we spent 90% of our time trying to work around the code generators to accomplish tasks, as opposed to simply using native CICS, which was difficult to master (hence the 4GL). I've since used a number of 4GL-type tools, and they've all had the same limitation in that the tail wags the dog, to use an old idiom. Quite fast and seemingly magical if you stay within the guardrails, but as soon as you veer off course (and unless you don't want any differentiators, you will) they quickly become far more onerous than hand-coding, plus lock you into their 'forced march': cost, upgrades, incompatibilities, and so on.

As an aside, it was a very interesting time to be a developer as we had a mix of youngsters (me), who were raised on personal computers, many people seasoned on mainframes/mid-range computers, plus a few "old-timers" who started coding in the 1950s without any formal training. Everyone had great stories, and I feel lucky to have been exposed to people firsthand who were some of the first programmers (and they universally thought everything above assembly language was 'cheating'). Their stories and perspectives have stayed with me throughout my career.

I knew a team that did 4GL on AS/400s (generating RP4 I think) and they were all about how superior their tool was and how terrible the Java team was in comparison and how they would never be out of a job. Within a couple years none were programmers any more as their tool was abandoned and they had no other programming skill.
The first time I encountered something that called itself "no-code" was when the internet portal I worked for (Remember those?) decided to offer a "webpage builder" for its users. I didn't work on it, but just looking at the limited webpages you could build with it, how all of those were basically just our best practices, and how the amount of code needed to support the builder was just massive compared to the code it generated, it was pretty clear to me that my job security wasn't threatened.

Every single solution like this has an edge, a limitation, and when you reach that edge, the answer is always "well, you can edit the code directly if you know what you're doing..."

It's exactly as you say, every solution like this can do the already mapped parts of programming, but they are fundamentally incapable of being used for the unmapped parts, the woods, the edges, the limits.

Completely agree, and it makes me wonder if we are at the edge of standardization for many types of applications. The desktop, tablet, and mobile form factors and use cases are well understood. Best practices amongst these major platforms are in place. The cloud is maturing (litmus test for this is the reinvent seems to be less exciting each year). New form factors, like AR/VR, don’t have the market share for broad changes to development practices yet.
I totally agree, and this jives with my feeling that no-code is an evolution or a codification of the best practices and principles "hammered out" as you say over the years by regular software development.
It was sold as "basically English, so programmers are obsolete since everyone can write their own software". Which is pretty much the same pipe dream as "no code".
Maybe ask some of these people:

1 hour before you Ask HN: Do you like the term 'nocode'? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29187754

2 days ago Ask HN: No Code GUI Tools? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29160858

3 months ago Ask HN: Is there any future for low-code/no-code development? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28150056

4 months ago Ask HN: Anyone built a business with no-code tools? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27593073

3 months ago Ask HN: What do you think of Producthunt's obsession with no-code solutions? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28194430

Ouch! Ok, somebody came ready to rock-n-roll on questions. Originally I read, for example, "4 months ago" instead as "4 months before asking HN [see link here]" as in don't ask answered questions!
We have to start doing like those Soccer Mom Facebook groups and put something like: "please use the magnifier glass[0] to search if your question hasn't been asked before"

[0] https://hn.algolia.com/

This is an imperfect analogy, but consider for a moment the role Microsoft Excel plays.

Excel allows non-coders to do many useful things, and provides a relatively gentle on-ramp to actual code via formulas. If you take that on-ramp and keep going, towards VBA and add-ins and other pieces of Microsoft technology, you might wind up becoming a full-time software developer, leaving Excel behind and using “real” tools.

Now, there’s a happy path and an unhappy path here.

The happy path is that you use Excel for what it’s good at, but recognize when you are operating at its limits, and at that point pivot into “real” software engineering tools.

The unhappy path is that you stick with Excel too long and become mired in the world of VBA and advanced formulas and attempts at shared workbooks, and build pseudo-database application-contraptions.

No-code can be like that early Excel usage: it can grant some limited but useful powers to non-developers. But no-code can also evolve to become like those contorted, unmaintainable spreadsheet monstrosities that stretch the technology far beyond the point where some “real” software engineering would have been the right answer.

Short version: use the right tool for the job.

> Excel allows non-coders to do many useful things

I heard a great quip at some point: "Why is Excel the most useful IDE?" Answer: "Because it's the one IDE every business allows every user to access."

Most of us here have forgotten that many businesses flat out ban access to programming tools for the majority of users.

And what is an enterprising user to do, when they realize they're performing the same process 100 times a day?

Reach for the only wrench they've been given access to.

PS: I guess an analogy would be people griping about shell scripting, without considering that someone might not have the ability to install their framework of choice when connecting into a client server. It gets the job done, with the tools available.

I definitely think that's a large part of it, but I saw impressive uses of Excel and Access by non-coders long before it was typical to lock-down workstations the way corporations do nowadays (like, 20 years ago).
100 x this. Most companys ban all kind of software. So Excel is the only solution for really all kind of problems.
I would go further and say Excel is the ultimate no-code solution. It has been used by more people to solve coding like problems by non-coders than any other no-coding tool.
Excel is a great example of how “low code” or “no code” are recent buzzwords for a long continuing evolution. There have long been attempts to make software development more accessible. Some attempts stuck (Crystal Reports 1984, Excel 1987, WordPress 2003, IFTTT 2010) while others did not (HyperCard 1987, FrontPage 1995). The same will be true for the current crop of platforms.
Seems like you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain.
It's a perfect analogy. Don't sell yourself short. Look, the following things are true.

1) This industry absolutely has the capability create more tools like Excel that are both extremely empowering and orders of magnitude easier than what we think of as coding.

2) Unfortunately, there's a strong, likely frequently subconscious, incentive to definitely not do this, since it carries a strong danger of IT making itself "obsolete."

(Not judging here, just observing)

The problem is as it's always been. Solving problems in the general sense is hard. It is true in design, it is true in AI, it is true in the automotive world, and on the battlefield. Specialized for one task is easier to learn, and easier to design for. General is harder to learn, and harder to design for.

With that in mind, it's interesting that we still even have "general-purpose programming languages." There is some specialization for sure, but that's partly because of things like e.g. the browser only supports Javascript. And then you see things going back the other way, e.g. with NodeJS.

So I'd wait till we see some actual, real specialization in the languages / tools that engineers use, beyond "ecosystem" reasons. In the meantime, we've seen tools that help non-programmers "automate" things. Everything from CAD to Wix, Salesforce, Figma, etc. would fall under that umbrella. But then you still have code. If what you want is automation / labor-force-multipliers, the common denominator will still be highly generalized, and therefore, hard.

Case-in-point, there are more than a few non-software engineering firms where the entire business is a series of mind-boggling amalgamations of Excel and VBA with a healthy dose of Matlab on the side. I'm talking full applications written in VBA with Excel as the interface. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same in non-quant finance.
I suppose the difficult part is figuring when you've crossed the fine line from "good enough for now" to "this is becoming a monstrosity, we need to hire developers and create our own software now"
The second difficult part is when the team that built the "good enough for now" realizes that the line was crossed, that they do not have the skills to be part of the "hire developers and create our own software now" solution and then start subtly, or even openly, sabotaging every effort to move away from the Excel/VBA solution.
My observation from running a consulting business is that there's a gap in the market that I have not seen meaningfully solved. On the one hand are these no-code tools where you can do something reasonable in a very limited domain. Wix, Squarespace, etc. Every decade the limited domain expands a bit, and you can get something serviceable for your hobby or small business fairly cheaply, in the order of $10s or $100s, maybe a couple thousand.

On the other hand, is full scale development, either in-house or outsourced. This is only doable for projects that are ~$50k and up, even if you go with cheap offshore developers.

So there's this gap from ~$5000 to $50,000 where if that's all you can afford, you just can't justify the project. In theory that's where the "low code" tools should fit, but so far, I have never seen it work out like that.

I am an engineer with 20+ years of hands on keyboard, I've got projects that are now part of Apache, 1000's of stars on github. I've been CTO at a number of startups that have got significant funding. My point is to establish some credibility. I probably still suck.

Having said that, I have been working with Microsoft PowerAutomate for the past 1.5 years and while it has saved a lot of time and been overall a good experience, there are times when the no code/low code gets in the way and I wish I could just "drop into code" to get something done. Examples are things like data validation. This technology is not going to replace coding, the paradigm shift is really happening for people in the marketing and sales operations parts of the business. For these folks, this tech is life changing. In a lot of ways, this tech felt like when you try a new framework in your language of choice; at first it's super easy and you get hyped, and then you hit a requirement where the nocode/lowcode environment really gets in the way.

I think this is spot-on. No-code solutions allow non-technical folks in marketing and sales to build some amazing things that would have required teams of software engineers: marketing, shopping cart, and email integrations; email onboarding workflows; complex ad campaigns; better inventory and wholesale sales management; and a lot of other things I'm not creative enough to think of. I've seen an entire application prototype built by a product manager by duct taping Google Sheets, Mailchimp, and a database together with Zapier.

However, their wants always grow just beyond the no-code capabilities, and there's still a need for software engineers for things that haven't been fully solved yet.

I’ve had a different experience with PowerAutomate.

Both as a no-coder and a user.

As a user the UX is horrible and I’m now swamped with terrible “apps” or “workflows” that people try to get me to use and fail for arcane reasons. Or are just ugly or brittle.

As a no-coder the tools are hit or miss, the docs are bad, and widgets frequently don’t work due to my licensing and there’s no way to know other than to try and see.

It has such promise as the shell scripting equivalent for the cloud what shell was to PCs. But instead it is a costly and difficult thing to use.

> I wish I could just "drop into code" to get something done.

Since you're using PowerPlatform you can prob easily do that with Microsoft's Power FX, built - I believe - especially for this.


> I am an engineer with 20+ years of hands on keyboard, I've got projects that are now part of Apache, 1000's of stars on github. I've been CTO at a number of startups that have got significant funding. My point is to establish some credibility. I probably still suck.

More about being in a right place at a right time, but granted.

> Having said that, I have been working with Microsoft PowerAutomate for the past 1.5 years and while it has saved a lot of time and been overall a good experience, there are times when the no code/low code gets in the way and I wish I could just "drop into code" to get something done. Examples are things like data validation. This technology is not going to replace coding, the paradigm shift is really happening for people in the marketing and sales operations parts of the business. For these folks, this tech is life changing. In a lot of ways, this tech felt like when you try a new framework in your language of choice; at first it's super easy and you get hyped, and then you hit a requirement where the nocode/lowcode environment really gets in the way.

I think higher-level languages with a dual code-graphic representation and a possibility to drop into lower level are an interesting option, but even that is not new - Unreal/Unity3D etc.

Why are you trying to diminish his accomplishments? Does that make you feel better, to try to bring someone down? You come off as bitter and unaccomplished and this site could use less of people like you.
It's stupid and doesn't really represent anything of substance
The ultimate "low code" experience I had was back in the 1990s with Delphi. You drag and drop your form elements, get everything just right. Next you hook up your event handlers and type in a few lines of code to do the actual work.

It was the best I've ever seen balance of managing complexity, yet letting you write code when you needed to.

The C++ version was nowhere near as god, it generated a ton of templates and things that just weren't necessary in Pascal.

Since then everything is expected to work across the internet, through a web browser, web server, etc. It'll never be as simple and effective as it was.

I used Delphi a lot in the 90's and early 00's, but I never really considered it "low code", with the exception of the drag and drop forms designer of course.
It depends very much on what functionality you needed.

If you needed a GUI for database CRUD operations (which is a lot of business processes and a lot of webapps now), then you could do that with nearly zero code, as the built-in behavior was all that you needed, but if you needed some interesting custom script and just a button "run it" and a textbox for results, then of course that would be nearly all your own code.

>The ultimate "low code" experience I had was back in the 1990s with Delphi. You drag and drop your form elements, get everything just right. Next you hook up your event handlers and type in a few lines of code to do the actual work.

Today I was thinking about Visual Basic 6, which worked more or less the same way.

I wonder what similar alternatives we have today? Gambas? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambas

The problem is that you can’t usually afford to target just a Windows 95 PC or equivalent today so such a tool cannot exist. The UI must morph and adapt and feel native across phones, tablets, retina displays, etc.

Even video games these days need to adapt to a different UX on each platform even thou they are the closest to having one unified UI across the gamut

It's unrealistic to expect a full, productive, desktop experience on any smaller devices.

Giving up on the desktop is a huge step backwards.

On the other hand, the market has expanded beyond economies where users have the space, power and physical safety to actually own a desktop. For some people their first, last and only "PC" is their smartphone. Your choice then becomes embracing those users or not having those users at all.
> The UI must morph and adapt and feel native across phones, tablets, retina displays, etc.

Isn't that a solved problem by the likes of React Native?

I like typing stuff in and instantly seeing the results, rather than rat wrestling widgets onto a form. Rat wrestling also makes adaptive UIs difficult; again, the solution is being able to declare your UI with layout managers that apply constraints.

The most rapid UI tool I've ever encountered is Tcl/Tk. Everything else involves incurring more tedium and misery -- even Visual Basic or Delphi.

Vb6 still works. I just put out a new version of my project today :)
It's weird from the perspective of game development because it's so obvious. A lot of time is spent on development tools because making a modern game is a very complex undertaking that is highly data-driven. A large amount of game tools are #nocode not because it's a movement but because it's useful. A classic example is level design tools that are much more about spatial design with some coupling between entities in a game. Non-programmers can get really far and build some surprising diverse things with simple primitives.

As an example our Art Director built this without any programmer assistance or writing a line of code. Just taking a basic multiplayer FPS game then grabbing components we had already made and jamming them together to get parts working: https://twitter.com/voxeleus/status/1437754413813207047/vide...

You can further see this in many creative games or games with modding tools where players put together complex behavior without using a line of code. Right up to things like Minecraft Redstone which is really an esoteric, spatial programming language. But crucially doesn't feel much like programming at all.

I think there's a lot to be taken from the game space for people trying to build no-code tools. Particularly in that you're not trying to remove a programmer but empower non-programmers in ways that suit them.

I feel like there is a distinction between tools and no code and these are just tools. You can maybe prototype a game mechanic if it’s not very unique with drag and drop but it’ll never scale to production. By the end the game code will have thousands of special cases which would make the nice no code experience a complete Frankenstein monster
> I feel like there is a distinction between tools and no code and these are just tools.

Programming is just a tool as well... there's a odd distinction here that somehow more specific tools are lesser. I also think this is where the whole #nocode thing can go wrong. You should empower non-programmers in ways that suit them.

> You can maybe prototype a game mechanic if it’s not very unique with drag and drop but it’ll never scale to production.

The expressiveness of composition is only limited by the number of elements you have to compose. In the specific zombie case no it wouldn't scale to production. But then the prototype wasn’t meant to and also would never have existed if it weren't for these tools. We unlocked the ability for our Art Director to prototype a new game all by themselves. That's massive from a creativity point of view. We'll almost certainly turn it into a full game at some point.

From a production standpoint a game is thousands of special data cases. Which is why tools are so important and code is both data and a tool but if you can simplify things so much the better.

The “no code” and “low code” movements come up over and over again because programming is now like writing: Yes, it is its own profession, but also yes, it permeates all other professions as software eats the world.

Languages and tools are user interfaces, and any time you have many different jobs to be done by many different people with many different contexts, it is natural to develop several different interfaces for what may appear to be the same work.

Thus, low-code and no-code. But!

Programming is more than just coding. It’s also all the activities AROUND the coding, including things like reviewing code before it is deployed, version control, reverting code, testing code, automated tests that also serve as DSLs for describing the behaviour of code, &c.

Robust no-code or low-code systems also need to address the needs that the systems and tooling that live around high-code serve.

They don’t need to do these things the exact same way, but it’s a Chesterton’s Fence situation: We shouldn’t just ignore those other systems, we should figure out why they exist and make sure that either we know those needs no longer exist, or address them another way.


Discussion around the original post:


They're not wrong, but they don't solve anything hard either, so they'll find that there's little value to extract from no code tooling.

They live in a difficult bracket to find offering customers in: medium+ projects have most of their complexity in making the business domain model and understanding it's intricacies, well before you attempt to make a computer understand them; no code tooling only cover the latter. Small- projects live comfortably in Excel sheets, as scary as that sound for the reading cohort, it appears evident that a lot of the no code market is already captured by that, and they're not offering anything to challenge the dominant player in the space.

No Code can solve problems that have been solved so many times before that a bunch of developers decided there was money in solving the entire class of problems once and for all.

So I think they are great, because who wants to reinvent the wheel? It's so much nicer to pay someone else to deal with the problem while I focus on building solutions to novel problems.

Is it a paradigm shift? Yes, in the same way that Excel was a paradigm shift. When you make it easier to solve a class of problems, then people solve more problems in that domain.

Excel radically transformed so many industries because it suddenly became dirt cheap to do complex costs analysis, so instead of paying an accounting firm to run two or three various costs analysis for a product, they could instead be paid to find the optimal solution for a product to hit a specific price point. Suddenly, we have candy bars with 54.51g of chocolate in them.

Something to keep in mind, is when the cost to compete in a segment goes down, competition increases to the point where the cost to compete is driven back up. If anyone can build a competing product in a weekend with 0 background, then competing products are going to pop up where ever money is being made. And one of those competitors is going to innovate their way to the top, through technology, marketing, corruption, or some other means.

I don't see the 'no-code' movement as something new, just a new name on the same idea. Developers are expensive, so let's migrate this work to people who cost less, using tools that provide the same or similar value.

Do you know how many people's jobs today are "this person is really good with excel, so we can hold on hiring a dev team and data scientist"? Probably millions. They're everywhere. I met dozens of them hidden away in Amazon warehouses during my career there. And Excel is the ultimate 'no-code' tool, pinnacle of the industry.

And yet the developers, we're all still here. Frankly, there's more of us. Because what really happens when you don't need developers to do the simple stuff is that developers can instead focus on the hard, higher-value problems, that a no-code solution can't do for you. More gets done, more value gets created.

There's always talk that eventually, we'll reach the end of the runway and the no-code will replace are large portion of us. I don't think we're anywhere near that. So bring on your no-code products, I say.

I wrote this on another thread a few months ago:

I think the basic reason why low-code / no-code works is down to software bugs and long-tail maintenance.

Bugs are a function of number of engineers, features, moving parts, and significant lines of code.

No-code takes out engineers, moving parts, and SLoC from the equation (as far as the enterprises buying these solutions are concerned), but leaves a lot to be desired in terms of feature set; low-code brings down number of engineers, and SLoC, whilst providing flexibility in terms of bespoke feature sets.

Also, in essence, No-code and Low-code are a natural extension of the cloud computing model in which capex is traded away for opex. And economies of scale, over time ensures Low-code / No-code will be cheaper yet more reliable than anything one (tech-enabled) enterprise can roll on their own. While at some level it is also an indication of 'software is eating the world' phenomena (both in terms of available capital given software economics, and rise in popularity of CS, in general).


What is old is new again. This has happened before. Graphical programming, low-code, no-code. They all inevitably hit a wall where it does not cut it. Either the performance is not good enough, they need to dip into real code to add features, etc. Then there are the issues like CICD and version control that they don't do well that hold them back, and then integrating with the rest of the company. Its just not worth it, its a dream sold to VPs and will die off in a few years and come back a decade after that.

I previously was supporting a company integration with Appian (building the AWS/Webservices integrating the two halves), which bills itself as a Low Code platform for Business Process Management. And their hello world example kind of worked fine for getting "a business person" to "write code". So the idea was they get these business people to write code instead of developers. But the problem with this platform was that we had to eventually get full time software developers (so no cost savings there, but also had the issue of these devs were now niche developers and not learning broader skill sets). Because their graphical development didn't cut it, so they had to drop down into their code proprietary DSL. Then the actual platform was a mess of no cicd, bad disaster recovery, bad monitoring, bad everything. It would have been cheaper and easier to literally just write a business process management from scratch in whatever language we wanted.

tl;dr No code, low code, graphical programming is a fad.

I agree completely. IPaaS tools are bad programming languages with awful tooling. The logic you need to transform some data, say, can become very complex quickly and you're stuck manipulating it with terrible graphical tools. When you inevitably find a bug, it's a huge pain to deal with.

For making a website with a store though, it can be great.

I'm a backend focused engineer that's worked on PHP and Javascript API / apps. In the past I had to write a lot of boilerplate code, now things like Strapi make it super easy to prototype data models and give you authenticated APIs for very little effort.

I'm a huge fan of Plasmic so far, I've tried to make frontend react sites and they don't look as nice as what I'm able to achieve with what I can only call a "website builder" tool.

My goal is to customize the CMS and use it as an API for a separate frontend site. JAMStack is the future... I don't think there is anything specifically 'no-code' about it but I'm suggesting two tools here that let you do no-code and also have nice doorhandles to let you get under the hood. I think that last part is key.

I have been a professional programmer for forty years. In the eighties, there was a no-code desktop relational database application called Helix. I continue to think that it belongs on the same shelf as Excel in the UI hall of fame.

Like Excel, people made applications with it. Unlike Excel, it created a server product in the mid-eighties that allowed it to become an IT platform. Small business owners who had hacked up a Helix database to help with invoicing were able to extend the function to the entire organization without ever using a keyboard for anything except typing label names on reports. All drag-and-drop icon stuff.

Fast forward twenty-five years. Today the applications have grown and grown and grown. The owners who created them are old, prosperous and tired of screwing around with it. Also, Helix is no longer well supported. These people are screwed.

I consult for a few companies that use it. These apps are exact replicas of the brain process of the owner that made them without a single structured thought in sight. Even if Helix were a healthy platform, the apps are largely unmaintainable.

They are also so complicated and so deeply integrated into the companies that they represent a horrible threat. They can't easily adapt to the modern world and will cost millions to replace.

Which is to say, these no-code systems encourage amateurs to reach too far. I advise people against them.

There is no such thing. There are simply different representations of 'code'.

Those who promote 'no code' solutions always seem to think that just because one does not edit with a text editor that there is no need to design the solution or to debug it.

One is still developing, just using different tools.

For some subset of problems it might indeed enable someone who is not a programmer to create a solution just as Excel enabled millions of people to do just that. Unfortunately one usually finds a little later that the solution has the shape of the tools used to create it, that because the tool could do something in a certain way that is the way that is chosen rather than choosing the tool to fit the intended solution.

You end up with people creating databases in Excel because Excel is what they had.

I was wondering if there was any similar conversation going on way way back when compilers were a new thing - found this gem by Grace Hopper (1958) (yeah THAT Grace Hopper).


She's talking about the difference between "programmer" (one who designs logic and processes) from "coder" (one who converts those processes to "codes" - i.e. assembly) and how compilers have the potential to eliminate the need for "coders"

I'm tickled by the (IMO) obvious parallels that have just moved up a few levels in complexity us who use text editors to write programs are often supporting configurable logic for someone downstream who can get work done with less complexity using simpler, more accessible tools.

I think people want "no-code" solutions because they're intimidated by code. I think they're intimidated by code because they're intimidated by programming culture. If a large number of people outside of programming are intimidated by programming culture then it is by definition intimidating.

If programming was instead seen to be a welcoming, warm, and supportive culture, I don't think no-code would have very much persuasive power. The effectiveness of no-code as a brand should cause more people in programming to pause and consider the fact that the value proposition is not having to deal with programmers. People literally sell products on the basis of not having to interact with our community. That should cause us great concern about the health of our community and should trigger introspection.

Background I have worked at a low code/ no code shop. We could deliver prototypes fast. But that’s just it they were prototypes that went into production but at that point clients were hooked just where you want them. At that point feature requests require one of two things. A coder to build a new no code widget or more likely just code the feature. So to summarize they make the easy things easy but the hard things impossible. As time goes on maybe you have enough widgets to be successful but most problems are one offs where the widget is only needed once so why build the widget when coding is faster and cheaper?
1) Don't write code 2) Automate transit 3) ??? 4) Idiocracy.
>What do you think about this movement?

The "no-code" desire has been around for decades -- just using different terms. E.g. in 1980s and 1990s, a common phrase for new tools that didn't require programmers was "self-service" ... like Crystal Reports software for "self-service reports without programming".

To put it in perspective, consider that Microsoft Excel is a "no-code" tool. In the old days before desktop computers, if a business person wanted to look at a report of sales amounts grouped a different way, he would ask the COBOL programmers in the IT department for a "change request" and they'd do the following:

- "code" new punch cards for the mainframe: https://www.google.com/search?q=mainframe+punch+cards&source...

- load of magnetic tapes (each held about 40 megabytes) of the sales data: https://www.google.com/search?q=mainframe+9-track+tape&sourc...

- get a new report on greenbar paper: https://www.google.com/search?q=greenbar+paper&source=lnms&t...

Now, any office worker can do the above with a "no-code" tool like MS Excel with pivot tables, filters, etc. Even though Excel eliminates a lot of coding work, the demand for programmers keeps going up. No matter what "no-code" tool is invented, the world keeps inventing new tasks for human programmers to do that today's no-code tool can't do. There's always a delta in capabilities.

The fundamental problem with any no-code type solution is balancing how complicated the system is. If a no-code system is too simple, then you'll need a programmer whenever you need to do something not offered by the no-code system. If it's too complicated, then you might as well just use an actual programming language.

Obviously, there are use cases for these type of systems. Many businesses only need a simple website, and there are a lot of problems out there where an off the shelf solution will suffice. However, I doubt no-code is going to make any meaningful impact on software development. The world is full of problems too complicated to solve with off the shelf solutions, and those problems will need a programmer to write some code.

I don't like the idea, not because it doesn't work. It might, but in the mean time I lose ownership to my own code and tools. My code and tools might be shit, but at least they are well documented and I know how shit works. I prefer to play with my own shit than someone else's, if possible.

You may ask why then I don't write my own OS/IDE/Database/etc., well I'd love to but sadly I don't have the skills. I only do things within the boundary of my skills.

Sorry, ownership is No.1 issue for me.

Yeah, I tried to get on this wave of (no|low)-code to enable non-devs to prototype their ideas. Turns out they run into "counter-intuitive" things when modeling your data and ones mental models have to be redeveloped.. and the query languages (like bubble) get pretty abstract fast. Future AI driven prototyping may be interesting. For now lets get back to "medium-code": rails, django, airtable/baserow, canonic, firebase, etc.
I work at Stacker (YC S20) [0] -- we're actively building a part of this future and so I've done a lot of thinking about it.

My view is that, indeed, the general no-code category represents a paradigm shift in the truest sense. That is, it is not going to replace anything we currently use software engineering for, except at the very edges. This is pretty obvious to anyone who understands software and the complexity inherent in building custom things. Rather, it will enable a massive new category of software to be built, where presently it is uneconomical to do so.

Think simple tools, sometimes throwaway tools only needed for a few weeks, tools specific to each new project - things currently implemented with whiteboards and sticky notes that would clearly be better as digital tools in all sorts of ways - and indeed increasingly essential as the assumption that everyone is in the same office gets less true.

This stuff is typically quite straightforward but requires deep domain context that'd be really difficult to translate into a spec, and way too expensive anyway to justify hiring engineers to build, but it can now just be done directly by the domain experts themselves who need not necessarily be technical.

This category is simply massive - think of the number of such tools that could be useful in even a single given business if they were simple and cheap to create. Now multiply that by every business.

If you're convinced / intrigued by any of what I've said, by the way, we are hiring. So let's chat about it more! Email is in my profile :-)

[0] https://stackerhq.com

I'm fundamentally opposed to outsourcing myself or other engineers either now or in the future either to AI or to no-code tools. I don't like the way this industry treats their employees in general nor am I very fond of the idea of using engineers to create a tool to make them obsolate. No thanks.
I've been pitched on no-code data solutions in healthcare for over a decade, and it never seems to work out. At least in that space, people confuse who their main audience is: I don't want to use a no-code solution because I can code, and most of my stakeholders won't use a no-code solution because it wasn't code that was their barrier (it was time, specialization, analytic skills-- that's why they hire me). So I just watch vendors pitch me on how much easier my life would be if I could drag and drop analytic pipelines (lol, no.), or I watch them pitch doctors on how they can train their own machine learning models.
> What do you think about this movement?

It's not a movement, more like a mini-trend based on rediscovery of an old idea. At least not a pure investor duping like "metaverse".

> Clearly these apps/platforms enable non-developers to solve a bunch of problems which would otherwise need a software engineer. Is this a paradigm shift?

If it is, it happened in the last century and many times since then already. You could still hype it up for a new domain to grab some investor money, I guess.

I think there's a reason this is such a recurrent theme that keeps coming up in different forms across the decades. Often people who are not developers have sensible ideas for apps/websites but do not have access to engineers who can implement them. This is especially true in enterprises.

For example the content team in a company like Doordash won't have access to engineers to help automate content creation.

But people in that team WILL have ideas around how they can automate their processes using a low-code/no-code tool.

Shameless plug - I am myself making one of these tools to help more folks DIY tools, flows & apps without making it themselves. We're here at https://getmason.io

Visual no-code/low-code tools have been around for decades. They can work really well when they are aimed at a manageable sized domain (e.g. data wrangling). They tend to fail badly when the try to be a replacement for a general purpose programming language.

I think a lot of the problem is the endless hype and over-promising by marketing and sales people.

I asked this a few hours ago here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29187754

Here's my take, quoted from my thread:

I've slowly started appreciating the nocode / low-code movement. At first: I thought it was a lazy person's dream, but more and more I realize a lot of the low hanging fruit that you can do with code has been done and there's little left to make. I mean, why bother re-invent the wheel right? So now I just leverage software made by other people typically GUIs / point-and-click tools and a bunch of online services to automate burdensome tasks.

I still write simple one-liner helper scripts in my free time though, typically userscripts that I place into Tampermonkey/Violentmonkey to automate a bunch of stuff and make the web more accessible. I call this 'low code' so I'm not entirely reliant on GUIs.

What's your thought on the movement? Do you like the term 'nocode'?

God I'd love it so much if 'idea people' could use some sort of no-code tool to get their idea 80% of the way there, so I can start cracking on the remaining 20%, or even not at all.

This would really clear me up for valuable work instead of having to rehash the same quick fixes for broken data modeling paterns.

I mean, what is programming? It’s describing the rules of a system and all edge cases. For some stuff it makes sense to combine rule descriptions into Lego blocks. At some point, the Lego blocks become too big to be useful and you need fine-grained control over the rules you want to implement.

If you can combine big Lego blocks into something useful, that sounds great.

If you need more fine-grained control, you need smaller blocks.

And that is the spectrum from assembly to higher level languages to platforms to libraries to frameworks to low-code tools to no-code tools. Pick what works for your use-case.

Platforms like Alteryx (https://www.alteryx.com/) used for large data cleaning strike me as a strange stop gap between a clunky system like Excel (which has its natural 1 million row limit) and Python/R/SQL that are full OOP and are likely considered too hard to learn for many business professionals. And yet watching people using the platform looks tortuous! Why not invest in an often free application that you can fully control instead of buying an expensive, no-code based application? Likely has to do with what allows you to maintain talent / not pay for 'programmer' up front in salary costs.
I'm a decent programmer and I use an expensive, no-code application called FME for data cleaning/analysis/exploration/transformation etc. almost all the time. While I'm certainly capable doing basically everything I do in FME using Python, I am far more productive using FME. With FME I can knock together something in 10-15 minutes that would take me hours to do in Python.

That being said, one feature of FME that I do use a lot is that at any point you can drop in a PythonCaller which lets you execute arbitrary python code on your data. Invaluable for the last 5-10% which cannot easily be done using the "no code" approach

The combination of visual programming with the ability to add code when required can be very fast and powerful (it is the approach we are using with our data cleaning tool, Easy Data Transform).
At welovenocode.com (the biggest no-code marketplace) we discovered that during shortage of software developers, big companies (S&P 500) started to hire no-code devs instead. The ratio of code to no-code people hired was 1000:1 and now it has increased to 100:1 (by 10 times)

I think that within a couple of years, no-code will take over >30% of the software development market

They need to stop locking people into their ecosystem and generate code you can get out and hand out to a developer if necessary.

No-Code / Low-Code / Full-Code is a false trichotomy anyway. There's no reason why visual coding needs to be any more restricted than the real deal.

It's all just one big usability problem. We'll continue to develop software pretending we're running 80 character wide terminals for awhile, but I believe this will change someday.

Tools like Enso, or the Elm debugger already show how much better things are with instant, actionable feedback, even on "real" languages. Then you remember Smalltalk and HyperCard existed in the 80s and you wonder how it all went so wrong.

Code is the OG 'No Code'. Or to give the movement its full title 'No Machine Code'.

I wonder if programmers of the day thought that compilers would put them out of a job?

There is still code in no code in the same way that there is still procedural code running when I execute an SQL query. I don't care how much code is being executed. I care about maintenance burden. Postgres is better maintained than anything I can make. So I'd rather just maintain the SQL query than the entire procedural mass that's actually executed.
I have a relative who's been programming since forever (although he would never call himself a programmer), and he talks about the first time he saw FORTRAN IV. Finally there was a language where you didn't have to be a programmer or know about computers to use. You just typed in what you wanted the computer to do and it did it. You could solve your own problems without having to wait for the programmers to do it for you. So clearly the desire to get "programming" out of the exclusive domain of programmers is hardly a new thing.
When these things pop up again for the umpteenth time I just refer people to the classic text on the subject.

Fred Brooks essay "No Silver Bullet"


I just added a no-code to our product instead of a scripting language. So far, users really like it.
I think what we're seeing is what we've always seen. That is, we start at the lowest levels and continuously work towards a higher and higher level. Constantly making the development process more efficient. No-code solves a problem, but it's not a panacea.

The movement i'm most interested in as a backend developer is the no-software movement.

The idea that the entire process of developing and deploying services can take place in the browser. Why install an IDE when i can just code in a browser. Why install git when i can press a button in the browser and have it handled in the cloud. Why run the code locally when i can run it in the cloud and stream the output to the browser. Why install a bunch of software and configure everything to work on my machine, when it can all be handled in the cloud and interfaced via the browser.

While I certainly saw them coming a mile away, the rise of sites like Squarespace and Wix still unnerves me a little bit.

While I do primarily backend data work these days, I spent a lot of the early 2000's working for an agency that built websites for people and companies. Many of which would have been simple enough to throw together in Squarespace.

I'd always thought I could fall back into building websites if this didn't work out, but I feel like that's falling out as my backup plan. I still try to keep up on CSS and JS though, just incase.

I feel you.

I freelanced designing and building websites in the '00s before gradually migrating into in-house creative direction and product design. After getting burned out doing that, I've tried to start a little solo web and brand shop again, which sounds fun on paper, but I can't find a market for it. People just want inexpensive Squarespace editors. They look to Fiverr, Upwork, etc.

It reminds me of the Wordpress-only shops that drove me to in-house/product design in the first place, but with even less custom work being done.

It's a loss for web as a creative platform, and has left me unsure of how to proceed professionally.

I see it as kind of comforting. These tools take care of the cookie-cutter projects so developers can work on more interesting things.
From what I've seen close-up in the indiehacker community, it's shifted the goal-posts of what an MVP is.

You used to be able to get away with a landing page with just a form to collect email addresses - now you need a hell of a lot more polish to get started.

What do I think about no-code?

"Data" Driven Development (DDD), if you need a buzzword/acronym, is where I think about code and data in the same bucket (ie. Lisp). I can check a box to enabled something, type some text in a field to provide the i8n label and database field. Easy. Underneath somewhere, there's obviously still code, more complex code, to make all of this work.

Or, what do I think of the so-called "movement?"

As a single independent developer, I am in a bubble. I can't predict the future. I'd like to see powerful rapid development tools out there, but more and more I see a lot of locked up proprietary walled fortresses disguised as movements.

I think if someone made a decent auto-fullstack-web-CRUD app they would be very rich and would have solved a lot of no-code problems and saved us an amazing number of man-hours on internal tools.

Just: SQL tables, prettified CRUD on those SQL tables on the frontend (with R/W permissions per user on tables), and reports (either on-the-fly or SQL queries run on a cron schedule).

> Just: SQL tables, prettified CRUD on those SQL tables on the frontend (with R/W permissions per user on tables), and reports (either on-the-fly or SQL queries run on a cron schedule).

Supabase is pretty much the backend piece of this (built around PostgREST), all it needs is a frontend generator that fits with its DB conventions.

Lots of startups attempting this, two big ones being Retool and Airtable doing almost exactly what you describe.
I think the most famous no-code app is WordPress.

Some estimate that 70% of all websites run WordPress. But I can tell you my salary was paid by customers who wanted this 'one custom application' that was not available as WordPress plugin.

I think most no-code solutions fail to think about what happens when a software engineer turns out to be needed after all.

It makes it easy for really simple websites/apps to be built, but the reality is that business people have no idea of how complex something can be and after they started using no-code tools they hit a hard wall of having to rebuild everything with a real software developer.

In reality though it would be nice if there's a solid hand-off between no-code and the "properly build and tested" world.

That said, they can be good for prototyping or brochure apps/websites that just serve information and have some forms.

I find that it is great until you want to do something it doesn't really support... and then it is hell. The inflexibility is a killer. I am only interested in a system that lets you code if you want.
I tweeted this (https://twitter.com/kristiandupont/status/136269830566755123...):

The thing with no-code is that there is still code. Only now it doesn't live in git but in a magic ether between sites and services, and in the head of that ex-employee who set it up two years ago.

the shift already happened -- the shift is that software ate all the CRUD business processes that could possibly exist

if you want to build something cool now it had better do more than update a database

I mostly agree, but I suspect not all CRUD businesses have been eaten. The ones that have been eaten have the following property:

-- You have to enter the information in yourself, or your equipment currently captures it for you

There are still CRUD opportunities where you find, capture and enter the information on behalf of the user. The phone captures a lot of data, so all that is already CRUDed up, but if you had novel data -- say from a wearable device -- you could still produce a new CRUD for that.

I think this is why hardware is hot again. It allows us to automatically capture new data that isn't already captured by the phone.

The first successful no-code platform(VisiCalc) came out in 1979 so calling it a new movement or innovation is just people being ignorant about the past.

In essence this is an old Idea that have been on the cusp of making the professional application developer obsolete since COBOL was invented back in 1959.

There is a cyclic nature to this and at i don't see any real difference in this generation of tools then something like SAP ABAP in that it will not also develop into a new sub-specialization that Leeds to an increase in the need for full time programmers.

Lotus Notes was the earliest true nocode tool.

I was using it in 1990 to build nocode distributed replicated GUI form and view driven applications.

I'm in the process of doing a technical audit of several of these for a government. My favourite so far is the ServiceNow platform.

These platforms are great at making use of bottom tier devs quite effectively. They're a resource amplifier, when you don't have the cash to hire better devs. Hire a few devs to create the custom controls, actions, etc.. and have a boat load of juniors implement the requirements. Most of these folk haven't picked up a new language since college, and don't incorporate coding into their lives. These individuals have value, but often create more problems due to their lack of skill and/or experience. In a low/no code environment, you can better ensure that they're on rails.

The issues we're encountering is the pricing model, and it's most likely we'll end up going with Microsoft's because of the existing contracts. ServiceNow for all it's strengths really shoots itself in the foot with pricing. A product like this benefits from any "power" user being able to implement their own internal workflows, but ServiceNow charges per dev. So they're handicapping themselves. But someone will figure out all the pieces, it's inevitable.

As a means to solve boring, repetitive, uninspired development, it's great, and it'll be the future in the way that SquareSpace and Wix ate into front end presence sites...

And honestly, if you aren't a great developer, I suspect the rails would make you feel a lot better.

This won't take any jobs from anyone likely reading this. HN frequently has a blind spot for that vast majority of enterprise development. It's not sexy, but it makes up more developers than the Silicon Valley crowd by magnitudes. And most of them would fail a Fizz Buzz. With no code, I can make use of those resources.

While no-code tools have existed forever, the difference is now they have finally found their niche – workflow automation for mid to large sized companies.

I have personally seen entire departments move from pen and paper to off-the-shelf boxed software to SaaS and now to no-code apps. You can finally customize your software exactly how you like without hiring a team of developers, and that's a great thing.

Which no-code apps have this ability? the ones I know are rather basic
The most popular programming environment on the planet is Microsoft Excel, a no-code product.

I think a lot of developers are very anti-no-code because they know, as any rational person does, that any no-code solution flexible enough to do everything will look pretty much just like programming. But no-code shouldn't be a 'do everything' solution, it should be a 'do a lot of things more easily' solution. No-code, to me, means tools designed to bridge the gap between non-programmers and programmers and allow individuals to access computing at levels that are comfortable for them while on-ramping them towards more and more programming as their needs increase. This is what personal computing is all about.

Formulas are the code, otherwise FORTRAN is another popular no-code product.
By that logic, typing a URL into a browser or an email address into the "To:" field is code.
Some areas of software are well-suited to solutions which require no coding. Photoshop is a great example. PowerPoint and Word are another. WordPress is another. Some of these are enhanced with code (WordPress, Excel).

Over time all software areas will have no-code options.

I do think it's a major shift but not in a mutually exclusive way, and maybe not a "paradigm" shift. I think initially, no-code tools were touted as being for non-developers. But now there is a realization that no-code tools are more like "automation" for completing a task. In that mindset, anyone (developer or not) can benefit from using them since it can be/should be/is more efficient. To the extent that no-code tools let a non-developer build and test an end-to-end app as their business, I think that's rare today but I would say we're on our way towards it.

I liken the no-code movement to the introduction of a higher-level programming language. For certain tasks, the higher-level language is more than adequate and a developer (or user) who knows nothing about OSes, file systems or networking, can build an application and probably create value and make money. But the higher-level language doesn't replace the lower-level language overnight, and for certain tasks it'll never replace it.

To use the example you mentioned, if you just want to display a webpage for your co-workers that lets them filter a SQL table, it might take you a few minutes to build that in Retool. If there is a class of such webpages or webapps that could make you money, then it's easy to see Retool as a new higher-level language for building those types of apps.

So, my view is that it's not a paradigm shift for building software, but rather the next step on an evolution towards a more automated process of building software.

Disclosure: I founded a no-code web testing app https://reflect.run

Isn't this what software development is all about?

We make tech more accessible for people who can't code and then we move to the next thing.

I saw a bunch of freelancers fail, because they had the impression they could sell people basic homepages as a job for their whole life...

Seems okay to me, it's just one more layer of abstraction higher up the chain.

The organizational problem is controlling ad hoc app proliferation by non development units and thereby creating unsupported shadow systems. So, when used by dev teams I see no problem, but usage by operational units should be highly policed.

Seems okay to me, it's just one more layer of abstraction higher up the chain.


C++ is no-code if you work in x86 assembler.

This is such an old concept that it's been beaten into the ground at this point. These "movements" aren't really movements, they're product bandwagons. Notice how most of these "no-code" solutions are proprietary, for-profit, non-standard and unwilling to be anything but.
It's just buzzword bingo. Complexity doesn't go away, it just moves around. Thinking about user interaction, product lifecycle, collaboration, knowledge pools etc. doesn't tie in to 'code' as a one-to-one, and if you swap out code for something else those still exist.

The problem isn't code, the problem is the ability to analyse the problem, formulate requirements and design a solution. How you express that is an implementation detail at best. This is also where the problem with the marketing of those tools lies: it pretends that when you don't write code, you also don't have to do those other things.

Ultimately this is just the same balance you get everywhere else. You have operating systems, tools, interfaces, frameworks, languages etc. that all do various things. Depending on what things you need to do and how novel they are you might be able to use and re-use existing systems, and you'll be adding to the same generic pool of applications that already exist. This is where automation-of-automation shines, depending on the level of genericness.

Regarding problem solving, again, not code-related, you can solve problems in a conversation, on paper, using calculations etc. Yet any anti-code product is marketed as being able to avoid those, but that is not how problem solving works.

Now, if we bring this all together a bit I find a question popping up: is this whole thing actually solving problems that exist? It's very easy to see a 'problem' if you're working in a bad workflow. But the 'problem' that is seen then often isn't the actual problem, but just a symptom. So now we are not solving a problem but 'solving' a symptom. This happens whenever someone is set to 'fix' something but doesn't actually know how to find the problem and then find the solution.

Long-winded Example:

Joe and Bob work at different companies. They need to exchange a bunch of rows of information and they do this by exporting a database table from some web app to a CSV file and emailing that.

Joe (Source) uses some Database GUI with an 'export' button, grabs the file, puts it in an email as an attachment and sends it to Bob.

Bob (Destination) receives the email, downloads the attachment, goes to his Database GUI, uses an 'import' button, points it to the file he just downloaded and now his task is complete.

Joe and Bob won't want to constantly drag and drop CSV files, so they come up with a plan to use LowCodeNoCode Creator Studio XP Edition to automatically export the CSV, email it to a predefined email address, process the email, download the CSV, and import the CSV. From their perspective, they solved the problem! Without writing code!

From a problem's perspective: the symptom is now hidden and the problem is made worse because nobody knows how this process works, why it exists, who did what, and how to manually intervene. On top of that, the real problem still isn't solved. Even the argument that "there is no code so anyone can find out how it works" doesn't hold up because while you don't need to learn some syntax you swap that problem out with learning some tool.

The real problem is Master-Slave table replication, and if we analyse it one level deeper: messing about with a database table that is owned by an application. If you want to interact with data that is owned by an application you don't go messing about with the underlying persistence store, you use the application and if needed write an API extension that does the job. Heck, that API probably already exists in any modern application! But then you'd actually have to know how systems work, how to resolve requirements and how to come up with documentation and scoping and the foresight of future endeavours.

Exactly. The code isn't the hard part. The hard part is abstract thinking and logic.

I created an email escalation notification system that was manipulated with graphics in a flow diagram. My users couldn't handle the precise logic for doing the escalation chain and always asked for help. Turns out, _that's_ what I'm good at. Logic and abstract reasoning.

I see the same thing in most ticketing and planning systems, they all have some logic to decide what next steps are allowed and to edit those steps you modify a graphical representation of a state machine.

You don't need to write code to modify it, but if you have no knowledge of flows or state machines or logical succession of events you simply can't solve the problem. It's not hard, but no-code isn't going to make it less hard either.

As a programmer, I've got a love for code but I have to accept that this is going to be the future for 90% of consumer-facing apps. The most common abstractions for the most common use-cases are already built and they're going to stay that way in my opinion. Once the "hard thinking" work is done building these abstractions, it's just a matter of connecting the dots to bring a product to market in <insert industry of choice>. While there's been no-code tools for a long time (Yahoo pipes being my earliest memory) there's no doubt they're improving every day.

I think in a few years (decades?), "developer" and "programmer" will mean something very different that they do today.

I'm a programmer who does a lot of "no code" development and find those tools very productive for many of the problems I deal with. And I observe every day the people who know "programming" can use those tools far more effectively and come up with far better solutions and solve far harder problems than the people who cannot program, but just learned the tool.

The hard part of programming is computational thinking, and coming up with novel ways to string the right algorithms together to get the result the client needs, not typing vs dragging and dropping.

""" I think in a few years (decades?), "developer" and "programmer" will mean something very different that they do today.""" Hello. Your opinion is very interesting. And can you tell your version of this in more detail.
I think there’s “good” no code and “bad.”

Bad is where there’s only no code and it’s impossible to drill down. Or use outside of a walled garden.

Good is when the end product is portable and can be worked on outside the tool.

I think the problem comes when noncoders hit a wall and can’t go any further.

It's okay, but by its very nature, it's not as flexible as code. Often I see an argument describing low-code tools as "Pareto efficient", but even that turns out to be a false economy once your use case becomes a little more complex.

Generally speaking, if you're doing something beyond building a simple form or table, and have some serious business logic to implement, in my experience, code is the only way to go. Anything else feels somewhat sub-optimal.

> Is this a paradigm shift?

Graphical "low-code" programming has been around for a long time in e.g. the control systems community, where people typically have strong math am physics backgrounds (e.g., knowledge of vehicle dynamics), but little experience with programming or software engineering.

Matlab Simulink and LabVIEW are well-known products that offer a low code approach to these fields. Large and complex projects are done with these tools.

IMO the complexity is shifted from interacting with the hardware to wrestling with the tools, e.g. version control, knowing what happens exactly and cooperation is really hard.

I would like to hear more from people wrestling with labVIEW projects of sufficient complexity. My (albeit decade-ago) experience is they lack the communities and subtoolings and things break at a point of complexity, thus the "wrestling with the tools" that could help clean things up gets harder when using a no-code flow-based environment.
I've been writing code for 40 years and doubt that no-code will generally take over any time soon. In my field I've seen environments like LabView take over certain niches but also painfully aware of their shortcomings.

On the flip side, my wife and I ran a home bakery for a while and I LOVED the website builder we used. Click, click, click - full integration with credit card processing, email handling, etc. No way I'd sit there at night hand building a website.

I propose the following statements:

1. Reducing complexity by reducing capability/power is easy. 2. Moving complexity from one form to another is easy.

The biggest issue is that these limitations are not well understood by the end users of these products. Inevitably, they want something that the product didn't account for and have to grapple either with the complexity inherent in doing it or come to terms with not being able to do it.

As has been pointed out already, this is yet another round of an old paradigm. Just like every other shortcut (looking at you, frameworks) it comes down to LEGOs (or Minecraft). As long as you are satisfied with blocks world, they are great. As soon as you need a curved surface or a different color, you are out of luck. There's also that detail that someone has to write all that code so you don't have to.
Code is simply a way we formalize requirements to the specificity required for a computer to fulfill and honor them. So a developer's job is to make vague requirements more specific via the coding process. Find another way of moving to an equivalent representation of every detail captured in code, and call it anything you like.
Frontpage, dreamweaver, joomla, wordpress, etc.
Zapier is a god-tier tool for all kinds of corporate work, and companies that ban it for "security" reasons are shooting themselves in the foot.
Has been the challenge of Shadow IT since the glass house days.
Web development was much closer to no-code at Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. Then came Adobe.

The machinery behind web sites outside of the top 100 ought to be standardized by now.

My hot take: No Code, from a non dev perspective, is just a really user hostile config interface.
It's vastly better than previous iterations on the same idea. Some (e.g. Airtable) are much better than others, perhaps because they have a clearer niche. Others are useful but drive you straight into a swamp called Technical Debt (retool). I don't think they represent a paradigm shift, more an iterative improvement on existing tools.
The best no code tools empower non-developers (and are thus poorly understood by HN). You’ve named some good examples.

In my B2B saas company we massively increased customer satisfaction by making it easy to integrate with retool and metabase and then letting anyone internal or external extend the product with new views and functionality.

Nocode has its place, and the problem area it can reasonably address will grow over time, but at the end of the day good automation requires the same thing any other software system requires: complex logic and, therefore, tests.

Code is going to be the most efficient way to express and verify that logic.

I'm still not sure what difference is between 'no-code' and just using software. If I create a workflow in Jira I wouldn't say I'm creating no-code software, I'd describe that as just 'using' or 'managing' Jira.
"No-code" and "Low-code" - it's all still code, just someone else's that you don't control.
A lot of comments here point to users eventually running up against the boundaries of no/low-code environments and having to make the decision to graduate from them or push their limits to a place where they were really not intended to be used.

I've spent the past 1.5 years or so building a no-code data analytics tool called Mito [1] -- a spreadsheet extension to JupyterLab that lets previously Excel-based workers make the switch to a Python based environment. Unlike other no/low-code data analytics tools we spend a large amount of engineering time making sure that users are never locked into Mito. We do this in 2 ways: Firstly, every time you make an edit to your data in the Mito spreadsheet, we automatically generate the equivalent Python code for you. And secondly, to make it easy to work with that code, Mito is an extension to your JupyterLab environment. By existing in the IDE that you would otherwise be using if you didn't have the low-code environment, its really easy for users to switch back and forth between working in the Mito no-code environment and writing code themselves.

Practically, what we've seen over the past year is that giving users ownership of the code that they create using Mito and existing in JupyterLab has been incredibly important. The most active Mito users are those that use Mito in conjunction with custom Python code that they or their company has written. They do things like incorporate API calls to access their data, use advanced pandas/Python functionality that we don't support, etc.

TLDR: We believe that no/low-code are most powerful when they are augments to the "real deal" code-first workflow instead of a substitution.

[1] https://trymito.io/hn

I've been pretty unimpressed with the results to be honest. There has been a lot of hype around businesses that have little value-add and lots of great marketing.

I love the concept -- quickly spin up an MVP, etc -- but when so much of success lies on execution and so many good ideas need time to be perfected before they commercially viable spinning up things very quickly isn't always the best.

I don't think it's a paradigm shift. There's always been a desire to have some sort of magical tool or platform that would eliminate the high cost of a developer. The problem that these companies encounter is that these tools are quick to improve the baseline but they come at a cost of making their baseline the same as other peoples baseline. If they want something unique, or compelling, that's above and beyond then they would need custom work and that means some form of development
No-code is just a synonym for “software”.
Business value and technical implementation details method are not necessarily connected in any way…something that in my opinion many engineers should think about more often.

You can make a lot of money on sophisticated custom technology, or you can make a lot of money with very little technology or even white-labeling someone else’s technology.

Every business should focus on the basic value proposition on for their business and product and make decisions that support it.

How do we make money, and where is the best place for our time to be invested to make more money? That’s it, that’s the only question there is.

No code is fine. It’s not much different from front end development where developers cannot figure out how to dynamically put text on a page without 300mb of framework and dependencies.
It's always been a pipe dream. I wish that people would invest more into making decent real SDKs for full developers to use instead of chasing this fantasy that you're going to be able to solve all your problems by gluing pre-made lego blocks together.

What invariably happens is that somebody gets a bee in their ear about some silver-bullet low-code tool, and tries to use it. They maybe get a few simple work-flows to work. Then they try to start doing more complex things, and it falls apart rapidly. Then more requirements are foisted onto the low-code platform, and developers get dragged in to try to build integrations into it and new custom components for it. Usually this is unbelievably awful to do.

Eventually you have developers having to maintain this awful Rube Goldberg machine of crap that they didn't want to be involved in,

Standard rants:

1) Every symbolic or visual representation of a command or control flow structure in a no-code tool is isomorphic to some construct in a programming language, just more cumbersome to author and manage, especially at scale. Therefore, users of no-code tools are programmers; they engage in programming when using the tool to define some process.

2) Programming with text can be done with a variety of tools, from full-fledged IDEs to Notepad. Programming with a graphical representation can be done only with tools that render that representation (usually, proprietary tools from the no-code tool vendor).

3) Text is more amenable to being diffed, transformed, and version-controlled than are visual representations.

4) Visual representations have a low complexity threshold beyond which they simply become unmanageable. It doesn't take long to clutter the screen and make it difficult to find what you are looking for and manipulate it. Some sort of normalizing or beautifying feature for the program control graph, as well as a search feature, may be added, but these are necessarily more complicated than their text-based equivalents.

5) It's much easier to simply type in what you want the computer to do than to engage in prolonged rat wrestling to construct a representation of the procedure to be followed.

6) No-code is circumscribed: If you are writing something the no-code tool author anticipated, you will be fine, If you are writing something the no-code tool author didn't anticipate, good frigging luck.

7) We've been sold this snake oil time and time again. It was CASE tools in the 90s. In the 2000s, we were literally told that programmers would be made obsolete by the emergence of UML to program conversion tools. (I had a professor who said as much, almost in so many words.) It never takes because with the complexity of real-world software, it becomes an ergonomic nightmare.

8) No-code is intended for two main audiences: as didactic tools for children or the barest of beginners, and as production tools for dilettantes who want to program without putting in the effort or assuming the stigma that professional programmers do. In a production environment, the output of these dilettantes will be abandoned by the dilettantes themselves, who aspire to grander things like marketing, management, or finance; and will instead have to be maintained by... professional software developers, who will curse the original authors' names forever -- thus nullifying one of the touted advantages of no-code to organizations: that you get the benefits of custom programming without having to hire programmers.

In short, in order to think of things more snake-oil than no-code, I have to go to the old standbys of medical pseudoscience and multi-level marketing products. I can see no-code used as a crutch by those who are new to programming and afraid to approach it, but they would perhaps be better served by using something that involves code, but tricks them into believing that what they're doing is not programming, thus alleviating their "programming anxiety". Secretaries were successfully trained to write rather elaborate Emacs Lisp on Multics Emacs back in the 1970s -- simply because they were told that in so doing they were simply customizing their editor, not programming it!

Everything about no-code screams vendor lockin. It's stupid and I'd never use or recommend these things.
I've been waiting for a (popular) low-code movement to hit the backend. Right now we still seem to start every project with - auth,connections,server, etc..

Something like https://github.com/oshalygin/gqlgen-pg-todo-example but easier and more tied into everything already.

Effectively instead of hand coding up the stack, there would be this server that you install and you get auth (implying a user model), GQL, and all you have to do is make the database and define a special file that tells the DB what is viewable or restricted and how that connects to the user.

The package would be 100% open source but would have like modules you could enable to connect it to auth0 (or others) or use a pre-created schema.

That's the stuff that should have been turned to low code by now and I still don't see much progress.

Like most things in SV, people get hung up on the term.

I like the tools coming out. UX designers, Airtable, etc. I don't view it as nocode, simply as developer and business tools.

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