Dates in JavaScript, design tips, Typescript, NFTs, and more My 10 favorite Tec...

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/pascavld/dates-in-javascript-design-tips-typescript-nfts-and-moremy-10-favorite-tech-twitter-tweets-from-this-week-437f
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Cover image for Dates in JavaScript, design tips, Typescript, NFTs, and more  My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week:
Pasca Vlad

Posted on Nov 8

Dates in JavaScript, design tips, Typescript, NFTs, and more My 10 favorite Tech Twitter tweets from this week:

If you found value in this thread you will most likely enjoy my tweets too so make sure you follow me on Twitter for more information about web development and how to improve as a developer. This article was first published on my Blog

All you need to work with dates

By VittoStack

unknown tweet media content
Vitto Rivabella 🥑 profile image
Vitto Rivabella 🥑
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Dates in JavaScript.

I've made a small cheat sheet 👇
07:26 AM - 03 Nov 2021

Web developers are not the best at design. But George is here to help

By _georgemoller

unknown tweet media content
George Moller profile image
George Moller
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5 Design Tips For Web Developers

🧵 Thread 👇
15:07 PM - 02 Nov 2021

Great introducing to Typescript

By SimonHoiberg

Simon Høiberg profile image
Simon Høiberg
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I'm bullish on TypeScript ⚡

I've worked with it on many projects, and I've used it to build an entire SaaS product, end-to-end.

Yet, it's still unpopular with many.

Let's explore how you can introduce TypeScript to your team in a way that adds value from day 1.

08:13 AM - 01 Nov 2021

Learn CSS position the right way

By Prathkum

unknown tweet media content
Pratham profile image
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Semantic HTML and CSS positioning ↓
06:09 AM - 03 Nov 2021

Great list of websites you can use as a developer

By csaba_kissi

Csaba Kissi ⚡ profile image
Csaba Kissi ⚡
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7 FREE Sites For Front-End Developers You Probably Didn't Know Existed

Thread 🧵👇
10:38 AM - 01 Nov 2021

Web design made simple

By study_web_dev

Kyle Prinsloo profile image
Kyle Prinsloo
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You're a web developer who struggles to create websites?

Break it down into sections, from the top:

- Logo
- Navbar
- Hero Banner
- Benefit Content
- General Content
- Credibility (Testimonials/Case-Studies)
- Call to Action
- Footer

That's the 80/20 of web design for you 👌
10:11 AM - 04 Nov 2021

Great ways to make passive income as a developer

By sunilc_

Sunil Kumar profile image
Sunil Kumar
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6 passive income ideas for Software Developers:

18:32 PM - 03 Nov 2021

List of free certificates for developers

By denicmarko

Marko ⚡ Denic profile image
Marko ⚡ Denic
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Free certifications for developers.

10:53 AM - 01 Nov 2021

The only introduction to NFTs you'll ever need

By heyOnuoha

⚡ Favor ⚡ profile image
⚡ Favor ⚡
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What are NFTs? Let's find out 🧵

1. Introduction
2. Non-Fungible?
3. What can be an NFT?
4. Minting
5. How to create an NFT
6. How to own an NFT
7. What gives NFTs Value?
8. What is Solidity?
9. NFT Marketplaces
10. How to get started

A Thread ↓
13:04 PM - 04 Nov 2021

Blogging is a great way to learn and earn as a developer without actually writing code

By Insharamin

Insha profile image
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My first paid blog was of 50$
Second was of 200$
Third fetched me 400$

Since then I've made 2000$ with blogging! 💰

⚡Blogging not only improves your writing skill but it also offers you to earn big bucks!

What are you waiting for?
Start today! ✍️
11:38 AM - 01 Nov 2021

I hope found this useful and if you did please let me know. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter._let me know. If you have any questions feel free to DM me on Twitter.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK