Best programming languages to start your coding journey with

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/deeksha_51/best-programming-languages-to-start-your-coding-journey-with-1lg5
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Posted on Nov 5

Best programming languages to start your coding journey with

Whether you are looking to start coding as a hobby or to pursue a career, the very first step is to decide which programming language to begin with.

There are hundreds of programming languages in widespread use, each with it's own complexities, pros and cons. If you are a beginner then it might be confusing to choose where to start from, after all you will be putting time and efforts into learning so you would want to steer in the right direction.

There are several things to consider while making your decision like:

• The fields which are accompanied by the language
• Speed and Efficiency
• Portability
• Degree of use
• Level of the language
• Developer Experience
• Level of difficulty
• Job opportunities
• Support and Resources

You should do a thorough research about the benefits and drawbacks of the language you want to choose, consider the above mentioned conditions along with your requirements and kickstart your coding journey.

Be Curious and Keep Learning!

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