Can I copy the list of HTTP requests made by a Web page off the Firebug Net pane...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/can-i-copy-the-list-of-http-requests-made-by-a-web-page-off-the-firebug-net-panel.html
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Can I copy the list of HTTP requests made by a Web page off the Firebug Net panel?


In the Firebug Net panel, you can get a list of all HTTP requests made for the current page.

Is there a way copy this list as text, so that I can paste it somewhere else for my own records? I’m doing some optimisation work, and it’d be really handy to save the requests made for pages before I optimise, so that I can check what effect my optimisation has.

Alternatively, are there any other tools that would give me the same file information (i.e. URL of file requested, size of file — I don’t need the timeline stuff that Firebug’s Net panel does) as Firebug, in text format?

FireBug NetExport extension is what you're looking for.

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