SAP Community 2021 Talent Show Winner! | SAP Blogs

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/10/29/sap-community-2021-talent-show-winner/
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October 29, 2021 1 minute read

SAP Community 2021 Talent Show Winner!


The SAP Community 2021 Talent Show ran from August 30th to October 29th, 2021. We decided it was time to see what talents you all have outside of your SAP skills, and you did not disappoint!

While we had some very unique talents displayed, only one can be crowned the winner👑….

🥁🥁drum roll please🥁🥁

A big congratulations to Marek Vernicek on winning the 2021 SAP Community 2021 Talent Show with the most likes on his entry! Check out Marek’s talent here! 🎥

A special shout out to the other entries:

You can see all entries: here.

In the spirit of seeing what makes some of our members unique, and even finding someone who may have the same hobby or talent as you, we recently announced the new Groups functionality on October 12th. The purpose of this new functionality is to allow for those with common interests to connect on specific topics within a more discussion-based format. I encourage everyone to create an account on Groups to continue to see what makes our community so special, especially in the off topic Coffee Corner Group!

Thank you to all that participated in this year’s talent show, whether it was by entering or voting, we hope you enjoyed seeing something a little different in the Community!

Up Next: SAP TechEd 2021!

Let us know in the comments what else makes SAP Community so special!

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK