Early Data Shows Windows 11 Adoption Going Great

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/early-data-shows-windows-11-adoption-going-great-534300.shtml
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1.3 percent of PCs running Windows 11 before launch

Windows 11 is currently in the process of rolling out to devices out there, and while Microsoft isn’t providing any figures regarding its adoption, data shared by AdDuplex seems to indicate the new OS is already a hit.

No less than 1.3 percent of the devices were running Windows 11 before the official launch, obviously as part of the Windows Insider program, and without a doubt, the next-month statistics are going to show a massive market share for the new OS too.

At this point, Windows 10 version 21H1 is the leading Windows version on the market with a share of 38.1 percent, while Windows 10 version 20h2 is the runner-up with 36.1 percent. Windows 10 version 2004 is currently the third in the charts with 14.5 percent.

Windows 11 currently rolling out

The rollout of Windows 11, however, could slow down at one point simply because the new OS isn’t available for all devices running Windows 10.

Microsoft has updated the system requirements for Windows 11, explaining that this operating system needs new hardware to run properly. As a result, only computers with newer processors and TPM 2.0 are supported.

Microsoft says it plans the rollout of Windows 11 to be completed by the summer of the next year.

“The free upgrade to Windows 11 starts on October 5 and will be phased and measured with a focus on quality. Following the tremendous learnings from Windows 10, we want to make sure we’re providing you with the best possible experience. That means new eligible devices will be offered the upgrade first. The upgrade will then roll out over time to in-market devices based on intelligence models that consider hardware eligibility, reliability metrics, age of device and other factors that impact the upgrade experience. We expect all eligible devices to be offered the free upgrade to Windows 11 by mid-2022,” Microsoft said.

If you want to upgrade to Windows 11 today, you can do the whole thing manually using the Media Creation Tool.

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