Microsoft Announces FY22 Q1 Results: Revenue Up 22%

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-announces-fy22-q1-results-revenue-up-22-534298.shtml
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Microsoft once again praises cloud platforms

Microsoft has recently announced its financial results for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2022, and unsurprisingly, the company is once again praising its cloud platforms for their market performance.

More specifically, Microsoft says the revenue for the quarter reached $45,3 billion, which means it increased no less than 22 percent. The operating income went up 27 percent to $202. Billion.

“We delivered a strong start to the fiscal year with our Microsoft Cloud generating $20.7 billion in revenue for the quarter, up 36% year over year,” said Amy Hood, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Microsoft.

Windows OEM posts significant increase

When it comes to how each unit has performed during the quarter, the More Personal Computing group increased its revenue by no less than 12 percent to reach $13.3 billion.

Windows OEM revenue played a key role in this important achievement, as it increased 10 percent, while Windows Commercial products and cloud services posted a growth of 12 percent. Xbox also performed growth, though this time the growth was only 2 percent, while Surface was the only one to post a drop – down 17 percent for the quarter.

The Productivity and Business Processes unit increased no less than 22 percent, and LinkedIn revenue, surprisingly, posted a record growth of 42 percent.

“Digital technology is a deflationary force in an inflationary economy. Businesses – small and large – can improve productivity and the affordability of their products and services by building tech intensity,” said Satya Nadella, chairman and chief executive officer of Microsoft. “The Microsoft Cloud delivers the end-to-end platforms and tools organizations need to navigate this time of transition and change.”

The Intelligent Cloud unit posted a growth of 31 percent to reach $17 billion in revenue, especially as Azure and other cloud services increased their revenue by 50 percent.

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