ColorCube: A color A11y Tool for Designers & Developers

 2 years ago
source link: https://oomphinc.github.io/colorcube/
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A color A11y Tool for Designers & Developers

Color Accessibility Checker built by Oomph

Step 1:

Paste or enter colors (each on its own line). HEX colors are easiest, but rgb() values are also accepted. Submit our default list to see what happens. Click the button and Go!

Enter a color or list (required):

What is this?

Made with ❤ in 2017 at Oomph, Inc. Last update October, 2019. Open source project with MIT license. Contribute to the GitHub repo.

Disclaimer: The algorithm used in this tool and subsequent results are based on the luminosity algorithm recommended in the WCAG 2.0 guidelines to test for contrast. This tool is for general assessment purposes only and not a guarantee of compliance. This open-source visual tool is not optimized for screen readers.

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