Simple carousel component.Fully implemented using Reanimated v2.Support to IOS a...

 2 years ago
source link: https://reactnativeexample.com/simple-carousel-component-fully-implemented-using-reanimated-v2-support-to-ios-and-android/
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Simple carousel component!

Infinitely scrolling very smooth!

Fully implemented using Reanimated 2!

The common RN infinite scroll component. It’s common to get stuck on a fast slide. Wait for the next element to appear. This component will not have similar problems. That’s why this library was created.


At present, it only meets the needs of my work. Welcome to raise PR/ISSUES.


Open a Terminal in the project root and run:

yarn add react-native-reanimated-carousel

Or if you use npm:

npm install react-native-reanimated-carousel

Now we need to install react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated(>=2.0.0).

If use EXPO managed workflow please ensure that the version is greater than 41.Because the old version not support Reanimated(v2)


import Carousel from "react-native-reanimated-carousel";

// ...

<Carousel<{ color: string }> width={width} data={[{ color: "red" }, { color: "purple" }, { color: "yellow" }]} renderItem={({ color }) => { return ( <View style={{ backgroundColor: color, justifyContent: "center", flex: 1, }} /> ); }} />;


name required default types description data true

T[] Carousel items data set width true

number Specified carousel container width renderItem true

(data: T, index: number) => React.ReactNode Render carousel item autoPlay false false boolean Auto play autoPlayReverse false false boolean Auto play reverse playback autoPlayInterval false 1000 autoPlayInterval Auto play playback interval mode false defalut ‘default’|’parallax’ Carousel Animated transitions loop false true boolean Carousel loop playback parallaxScrollingOffset false 100 number When use ‘default’ Layout props,this prop can be control prev/next item offset parallaxScrollingScale false 0.8 number When use ‘default’ Layout props,this prop can be control prev/next item scale style false {} ViewStyle Carousel container style height false ‘100%’ undefined | string | number Specified carousel container height timingConfig false {duration: 250} Animated.WithTimingConfig Timing config of translation animated name types description prev ()=>void Play the last one loop ()=>void Play the next one goToIndex (index: number, animated?: boolean) => void Go to index getCurrentIndex ()=>number Get current item index


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Joyk means Joy of geeK