How to Rate iPhone and iPad Apps on the App Store

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/how-to-rate-iphone-ipad-apps-app-store/
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How to Rate iPhone and iPad Apps on the App Store

By Ben Stegner

Published 12 hours ago

Taking a moment to leave a review for apps helps provide a better experience for everyone. Here's how to easily review iPhone and iPad apps you use.

Image Credit: Wachiwit/Shutterstock

Once you've downloaded an app from the App Store on your iPhone or iPad, you can give it a rating. This helps other users know which apps are worth installing, and can signal to Apple whether an app is a problem.

It's easy to rate apps on the App Store and only takes a minute of your time. Here's how to rate any iPhone apps you've used.

How to Rate iPhone Apps on the App Store

To rate an iPhone or iPad app, first open the App Store on your phone. Next, you'll need to find the app you want to rate. For a single app, the easiest way to do this is by tapping Search on the bottom bar. Enter the name of the app and you should see it appear in the list of results.

If you'd rather go on a reviewing streak, the App Store makes it easy to see all the apps you've downloaded in one place. Tap your profile picture that appears in the top-right of the App Store to open some App Store options, then choose Purchased from the resulting menu.

Here, you'll see every app you've installed, starting with the most recent. To filter, use the Search bar on this menu.

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App Store Search
App Store Purchased Apps

Once you get to an app's page using either method, scroll down past the screenshots and description to find the Ratings & Reviews section. There you'll see a summary of the reviews others have given.

To leave only a numerical rating, tap between one and five stars next to Tap to Rate. If you want to leave a review with more thoughts, hit Write a Review instead. Here, you can leave a star rating along with a title and some text for the review.

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App Store Quick Review Stocks
App Store Write Full Review Stocks

When you're done, hit Send. Your review will go live shortly to hopefully help others decide on the app's quality. Note that you'll only see the option to review apps that you've downloaded.

Reviews Make Apps Better

Leaving a review seems like a small gesture, but it's helpful for a lot of people. Whether you love an app, hate it, or think it's decent but has room for improvement, make your voice heard by leaving a quick review.

Apps aren't the only media you can review on your iPhone. If you use Apple's Podcasts app, you can let others know what you think of shows you listen to.

About The Author


Ben Stegner (1758 Articles Published)

Ben is a Deputy Editor and the Onboarding Manager at MakeUseOf. He left his IT job to write full-time in 2016 and has never looked back. He's been covering tech tutorials, video game recommendations, and more as a professional writer for over seven years.

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