How to Change Your Origin Account’s Automatic Update Settings

 2 years ago
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How to Change Your Origin Account’s Automatic Update Settings

By Electra Nanou

Published 11 hours ago

Want to prevent automatic updates from interrupting your gaming session? You can change the setting easily, like this.

As one of EA’s digital gaming platforms, Origin has a lot to offer. In addition to video games, you have access to handy features that customize your user experience. This includes automatic updates.

Changing their settings is something to consider, if only to stop them getting in the way of your entertainment. Here’s how to make three simple adjustments to the Origin app’s updating process.

1. Go to Your Application Settings

On the app, click on the Origin tab and then Application Settings. This is where you can alter several parts of your account’s performance, such as diagnostics, notifications, and whether the Origin dashboard appears in-game.

EA Origin Application Settings

When you compare EA Origin with EA Desktop or rival gaming services like Steam, the former has its problems. But this doesn’t mean you can’t tweak and make the most of it.

In terms of changing your automatic update settings, you want the Application tab in your settings.

2. Go to the Client Update Section

The Client update box is small and contains three functions along with their respective toggle buttons:

  • Automatic game updates
  • Automatically update Origin
  • Participate in Origin technical previews
EA Origin Application Client Update Settings

All you need to do is click the button next to the function you want. It’ll turn green, telling Origin to download and install updates as soon as EA releases them.

If you prefer manual updates, click the relevant toggle button to turn it off—or gray.

What Do EA Origin’s Client Update Options Mean?

Automatic game updates enhance titles on your Origin account when the app is active and online.

Automatic Origin updates are for your entire account and cover the full platform. Depending on their size, these can take longer to install.

Your third option is turned off by default. It lets you test features before EA officially releases them on Origin. These updates aren’t always perfect and can disrupt your gaming experience, which is why taking part is voluntary.

Related: How to Change Your EA/Origin Account Name

Don’t Underestimate EA’s Services

Origin is flawed, but it’s been around for a long time and continues to entertain, as well as improve. You can learn to love the platform after adjusting it here and there for better automatic updates, in-game tools, and more.

In fact, with services like EA Play and Access, not to mention dozens of popular titles to its name, the company remains an asset to most gaming needs. Just get to know how to put its products to good use.

About The Author


Electra Nanou (121 Articles Published)

Electra is a Staff Writer at MakeUseOf. Among several writing hobbies, digital content became her professional focus with technology as a key specialty. Her features range from app and hardware tips to creative guides and beyond.

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