Tailscale - Current Openings

 2 years ago
source link: https://apply.workable.com/tailscale/?not_found=true
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Careers at Tailscale

When the Internet began, people thought connecting everyone together, sharing information freely, and injecting a healthy dose of anarchism would lead to a strong, healthy society. Not really how it turned out, is it?

We started Tailscale because we want to change course and fix what went wrong. Step one is to undo damage from the misguided idea that bigger and more popular means better, and that everything needs to be connected to everything else. Botnets don't need to be connected to your HR database. The private discussion forum with your friends doesn't need to be connected to paid propaganda farms. And teams don't have to be made out of interchangeable lego bricks.

The dream we're building is the Internet, but better. Small, private, secure, distributed networks that you can only join if you're invited. Real communities of real people, unbound from the limits of physical space, but interconnected with the wider world through a lens of mutual obligations, intentionality, and consent.

To make this happen will require a team that's not like your average tech company. We need technical skill, and plenty of it, but we also need you to understand beautiful systems, social patterns, and what makes physical and virtual communities feel successful, productive, and secure. We're small - we specialize in small teams - so each of us needs to do a little bit of everything, from design to coding, data analysis, talking to customers, building web sites, writing docs, negotiating contracts, filing patents. Don't worry if you're not good at everything; we're all working together to learn and teach.

Tailscale is currently searching for unique, thoughtful candidates who are technically skilled (especially in areas of networking, security, privacy, or embedded systems) or very community oriented (especially building online communities, helping customers, writing documentation, managing forums). We're looking for unusual people who see the world differently, like we do, and who don't accept the way things are going. We want to work hard to fix it...together.

About Joyk

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Joyk means Joy of geeK