Simple Linux Network interface configuration mapper

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/vkg23/linux-network-interface-configuration-mapper-41
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Simple Linux Network interface configuration mapper

Sep 4

・1 min read

There are many questions to answer when it comes to a physical machine-related Network interface configuration that has multiple interfaces for individual use.

. Which card is active?
. Is that part of bonding?
. What is its mac address?
. What is its permanent mac if part of Bonding?
. What's the speed of device and what is its state now?
. What all ip address its holding now ?

While ifconfig provides you some info , new 'ip' command does it much more better yet don't have all the representations. Then you end up looking at some other config files/device files to further map information.

Give this a try, Just copy and run.

To keep it simple and portable as possible for admins I did it in my fav awk programming.

Sample output

#awk -f Netinfo.awk
Filter IPV4(-4) : No
Device     Name        Bond        Mac                     Mac(perm)           State       IP/Net
/          lo                                                                  UNKNOWN()
02:01      eno1        bond0       92:6a:64:43:d5:c1      92:6a:64:43:d5:c1    UP(10G) 
02:02      eno2        bond0       92:6a:64:43:d5:c1      92:6a:64:43:d5:c5    UP(10G)
02:03      eno3                    92:6a:64:12:d3:12                           DOWN(10G),fdb4:a9d0:15e6:a052::/64
           bond0                   92:6a:64:12:d3:13                              ,
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Refer to my Github page for more details.
Link Github/vkg23/Netinfo.awk

Tested for RHEL/CENTOS 6/7/8 Versions.

Hope it helps the Linux Community.

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