A simple yet handy configuration compositor and locator!

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/siegfredrodriguez/a-simple-yet-handy-configuration-compositor-and-locator-2pa9
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A simple yet handy configuration compositor and locator!

Sep 4

・1 min read

I finally dipped my toes in opensource, with my simple unopinionated yet capable configuration utility config-discovery!

  • Will not force you on any conventions such as directory and specific files.
  • Uses fluent interface, no strange incantations.
  • Fit for containerized deployments where configurations maybe split between ConfigMaps and Secrets.


Some of its features include the ability to define a source priority for your configuration, including environment and directly from an object!

let Config = require('config-discovery');


let configuration = new Config()

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Compose a configuration from multiple sources, including the environment!

let prototype = {user: 'DB_USERNAME', password: 'DB_PASSWORD'}

let configuration = new Config()

// or from another file

let configuration = new Config()

// or from another object

let configuration = new Config()
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