Get information on another website?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/get-information-on-another-website.html
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Get information on another website?


I'd like to fetch all latest news from this site (at the center board): http://web.hanu.vn/en/ My latest approach was parsing html by using Simple HTML DOM Parser in PHP but I think it's so slow. My idea is to fetch news from almost 20 similar sites like this site. They are all developed by Moodle so they have the same html format. However, with 1 site it takes several seconds to fetch => 20 sites require a lot of time. Is there any better approach rather than parsing HTML? Or should I store the result in the database and after a period of time updating it rather than fetching it for each user request? Am I doing the so-called "crawling", isn't it?

Or should I store the result in the database and after a period of time updating it rather than fetching it for each user request?

Yes, you should. And stick to parsing HTML, do not use regular expressions for parsing HTML.

And what you are trying to do is web scraping, not yet crawling (unless you really crawl the pages).

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