Microsoft Releases Windows 11 Build 22000.168

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/microsoft-releases-windows-11-build-22000-168-533903.shtml
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A new Windows 11 preview build is now up for grabs

Microsoft has released a new Windows 11 preview build for users in both the Dev and the Beta channels, and this time, there is big news for testers.

First and foremost, Microsoft has managed to bring the new Chat with Microsoft Teams experience to more languages.

Originally, this feature was offered only to those using English as their main language, so with today’s new build, more users across the world can enable the app.

Keep in mind, however, that the Chat app bundled with Windows 11 only works with personal accounts, as work accounts still aren’t supported.

In addition, there’s a new Microsoft 365 widget, and the Redmond-based software giant claims there are also improvements for the Family widget.

“When using the Family widget, you should no longer unexpectedly see a message saying ‘connect a device to see screen time activity’ despite there being available activity to display,” the Redmond-based software giant explains.

More bugs hitting widgets

On the other hand, those using widgets in Windows 11 should know that Microsoft has acknowledged new bugs with the release of the new preview build.

“The widgets board may appear empty. To work around the issue, you can sign out and then sign back in again. Widgets may be displayed in the wrong size on external monitors. If you encounter this, you can launch the widgets via touch or WIN + W shortcut on your actual PC display first and then launch on your secondary monitors,” Microsoft explains.

Windows 11 is projected to launch in October, and people close to the matter claim it should be finalized as soon as the next month. The operating system is currently available for testing as part of the Windows Insider program, but going forward, only users in the Beta channel would be able to try out Windows 11 preview builds.

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