My Work Packages fiori app improvements in Focused Build SP08

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/09/02/my-work-packages-fiori-app-improvements-in-focused-build-sp08/
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September 2, 2021 2 minute read

My Work Packages fiori app improvements in Focused Build SP08


In August 2021, SP08 of Focused Build for SAP Solution Manager has been released. Focused Build is based on the proven SAP Solution Manager standard and fully integrated in SAP Solution Manager 7.2. With this SP release Focused Build a lot of new improvements have been made available to the customers. You can find more information about all the improvements in different areas of the Requirements-to-deploy process in the blog detailed out here. But in this blog post, I want to talk about the improvements made in My Work Packages Focused Build Fiori application in a more detailed way.

Improvements in My Work Packages Application

With the SP08 release of Focused Build, the below 3 new fields have been introduced in the Create Work Item dialog in Scope tab of My Work Packages Fiori application.

  1. Value Points
  2. Story Points
  3. Priority

While creating the Scope Item by using Create Work Item dialog in My Work Packages app, now the Value Points and Priority values are inherited from the Work Package from which the scope item is being created. Since the Story Points belong to Work Items and not the Work Packages, the Story Points would be defaulted to 0 in the Create Work Item dialog. However, the user also has the flexibility to change all the 3 defaulted values while creating the scope item/work item.


My Work Packages Focused Build App


Create Work Item Dialog in My Work Packages Focused Build App

You can either select the values of Value Points and Story Points from available options which comes from the customizing from the focused build or you can also enter any numeric value in these 2 fields. The maximum length of the values is restricted to 4 digits. For Priority field you can only select from the available options.

Please refer the SAP KBA for more information on how to do the customizing for the default values of Value Points and Story Points.

As part of the latest improvement, Value Points, Story Points and Priority are also added as new columns in the Scope Items table as below:


Scope Items List in My Work Packages Focused Build App

Key Takeaways

  1. With this new change you would be able to define the Value Points, Story Points and Priority for a new Scope Item or Work Item.
  2. The Value Points and Priority are inherited from the Work Package. The Story Point is defaulted to 0 as it belongs to Work Item only.

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