Security Engineer, Product Security

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.facebook.com/careers/v2/jobs/3135658699866583/
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Security Engineer, Product Security

Security Engineer, Product Security

Security Engineer, Product Security
Location pin icon
London, United Kingdom
You can submit up to three job applications every 90 days. Be sure to apply for roles that strongly match your skills and work experience.
Facebook's Product Security team in London is seeking a skilled and motivated hacker to help us secure close to 3 billion users. From building the coding frameworks to helping engineers build secure code to developing automated detection tools to help spot bugs at scale to running one of the oldest bug bounty programs in the industry to working alongside product teams to build security into each feature, our team is committed to finding, fixing, and preventing bugs across our platform.
The ideal candidate is someone who derives purpose in life by revealing potential weaknesses and then crafting creative solutions to eliminate those weaknesses. In this role you will be relied upon to provide engineering and product teams with the security expertise necessary to make confident product decisions and to review the security profile of new products and product changes. Come help us make life hard for the bad guys!
At Facebook, supporting our employees is a core part of how we do business. From our generous benefits to our robust diversity programs, we’re focused on empowering all our employees to live life to the fullest and bring their best selves to work each and every day. We’re proud of our supportive and inclusive culture and our International Headquarter benefits from over 100 different nationalities. We are dedicated to making Facebook welcoming to everyone who comes to work with us and we actively seek to recruit people with different backgrounds and experiences to help us build better products, make better decisions, and better serve our clients.

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