TikTok Shares New Insights into Usage Trends, and its Impact on Audience Behavio...

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source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/tiktok-shares-new-insights-into-usage-trends-and-its-impact-on-audience-be/605818/
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TikTok Shares New Insights into Usage Trends, and its Impact on Audience Behaviors [Infographic]

Published Aug. 30, 2021
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Would you consider the time you spend on TikTok as ‘time well spent’?

That’s the core of what TikTok sought to find out via a new survey conducted in partnership with Kantar among more than 7,000 global TikTok users.

The results show that TikTok users are increasingly getting enjoyment and connection from the app.

As explained by TikTok:

They come to TikTok for the community, stay for the creativity, and leave feeling happy and inspired. People love the positive experience that our platform provides, so they scroll longer and dive deeper.”

Which is no real surprise. TikTok usage has surged during the pandemic, with the app’s never-ending stream of short video clips providing a means of escape, and light-hearted fun, away from the often depressing stream of news updates which now dominate many other apps.

Among the report’s other key findings:

  • Users are spending more time on TikTok and less time with other entertainment options, like watching TV, listening to podcasts, streaming videos or reading
  • TikTok’s highly attuned algorithms keep its audience logged in, interacting with each other, “and looking for more fun”, with higher attention rates compared to other video platforms
  • TikTok prompts people to act. “Users find a constant stream of joyful entertainment, liberating creativity, and endless inspiration that’s tailored just for them. It’s a positive experience that primes people to join in the fun and take action - and for brands, TikTok’s proactive population can have a huge effect”.

These are some interesting notes, which could help to shape your TikTok marketing approach. For more, you can check out TikTok’s full report here, or take a look at the infographic highlights below.

TikTok user survey results

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