Product Manager’s Guide to Managing Stakeholders: Announcing Group Mentoring Ses...

 2 years ago
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Product Manager’s Guide to Managing Stakeholders: Announcing Group Mentoring Session led by Mouli, Principal PM, Microsoft

Learn the art of managing stakeholders in this group mentoring session by SEEK mentor Mouli

Topic: A Product Manager’s Guide to Managing Stakeholders

Date/Time: August 28th, 5 – 6 PM

Mentor: Chandramouli Gopalakrishnan (Mouli) is Principal PM at Microsoft and has earlier worked with companies like ixigo, Goibibo etc.

Key takeaways for you:

Stakeholder management is often confused with Project management and tracking work items. It is not. It is an art where a PM understands the various perspectives of a divergent set of decision makers and arrive at a consensus that is optimal for the greater good. Let us talk more about this critical aspect of Product Management.

This session is part of Unboxing Product Management series, wherein we unbox key insights and skills that help you improve daily.

This series is powered by FWD App, which is democratizing skill learning.

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How to scale into Technical Product Management Role: Group Mentoring Session with Sanchit Juneja, Group PM (Booking) #EventAlert

In a world driven by tech, technical product managers play a crucial role in growth. But there has been a lot of confusion around the technical product management role – and how it is different from other roles in the org.

But no more.


Introducing the group mentoring session by Sanchit Juneja, Group Product Management (Technical Platforms) at Booking.com

Date: July 30th
Time: 5 – 6 PM IST
Ideal for: Aspiring and Practicing Product Managers

Key takeaways:
Find out what it takes to crack and thrive in a Technical Product Management role. How is it different from a business product manager role? What are the different flavours this role comes in? and how does growth look for in these roles.

About the mentor
Sanchit Juneja is B.E. from NSIT, Delhi and MBA from ISB-Hyderabad. With 13+ years of industry experience in tech and product roles across India, Africa, South-east Asia, and Europe with orgs such as National Instruments, Rocket Internet, AppsFlyer, Paytm, and Gojek. Current Group PM for Technical Platforms for Booking.com


Rs. 299 (including tax)

Directly register for the session. The details will be shared with you 24 hrs before the session.

What’s the difference between a group mentoring session and a webinar?

To start with, group mentoring sessions happen in a typical meeting format – i.e. as Zoom (or Google) meet and NOT a Zoom webinar.

That is, you are supposed to come prepared with questions. The mentor sets the context for the first 20 minutes and then, it’s QnA.

SEEK group mentoring sessions are done in partnership with FWD App (Android, iOS). FWD is democratizing upskilling and ensuring you learn from the best, without burning a hole in your pocket.

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