How to Fast-Forward and Rewind More Than 10 Seconds in the YouTube App

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.makeuseof.com/fast-forward-rewind-more-than-10-seconds-in-youtube-app/
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How to Fast-Forward and Rewind More Than 10 Seconds in the YouTube App

By Ayush Jalan

Published 17 hours ago

It's easy enough to fast-forward or rewind in YouTube on Android and iOS. But here's what to do if you want to jump by more than 10 seconds at a time.

Picture this: you are searching for something important online and you find a YouTube video that explains it. But it has an intro—as YouTube videos usually do. So you try to skip it by double-tapping on the right a couple of times. And yet, the part that you care about is still nowhere to be found which only wastes your time.

Whilst the double-tap to skip is a useful feature, it is sometimes not enough, especially for videos where the intro or sponsored message seems to be unending. Luckily, there is a way you can fast-forward or rewind more than the default 10 seconds in a YouTube video to help you avoid the wait. Let's see how.

How to Skip Past More Than 10 Seconds in a YouTube Video

  1. Launch the YouTube app on your Android or iOS device.
  2. Tap on your profile picture in the top corner.
  3. Go to Settings > General.
  4. Tap on Double-tap to seek.
  5. Now select your choice of length for a single double-tap.

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If you're like me and usually skip intros and sponsored messages in YouTube videos and jump straight to the fun part, you know how cumbersome it is to keep on double-tapping to skip parts of the video until you find the specific part of the video you are looking for.

This feature helps you increase the length of a single double-tap from 10 seconds to up to 60 seconds. It works in both directions, forward and back.

Related: How Much Data Does YouTube Use?

Skip Past Content Faster in YouTube

People watch YouTube videos for all kinds of purposes, may it be for entertainment, to learn a new skill, or for guidance during an emergency. No matter the case, it is handy to have a feature that offers you flexibility and control.

The Double-tap to seek feature does exactly that. It allows you to change the length of progress you can make when double tapping on either side of a YouTube video to go forward or back faster. Whether you're in a rush or just want to save some time when watching long videos, this feature can prove to be quite useful.

About The Author


Ayush Jalan (19 Articles Published)

Ayush is a tech-enthusiast and has an academic background in marketing. He enjoys learning about the latest technologies that extend human potential and challenge the status quo. Besides his work life, he loves writing poetry, songs, and indulging in creative philosophies.

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