Quick Intro to gdb

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ0ONbt-qPs
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Quick Intro to gdb

Aug 23, 2013

964 subscribers

Just a quick overview of some often-used gdb (and related) commands, including:

gcc -g to compile a program and include debugging information start - begin exexuting your program

list - examine your source code from within the debugger

step - execute the next line of your program next - execute the next line of your program, but if it's a subroutine call, treat the entire subroutine as a single line

print - examine the contents of a variable x - examine memory directly

watch, rwatch - set a watch for when a variable is written or read: return to the debugger once this happens break - set a breakpoint: return to the debugger when this line of code is about to be executed info watch - show info on watchpoints info break - show info on breakpoints delete # - delete watchpoint or breakpoint "#"

cont - continue from a breakpoint, watchpoint, step, next, etc.; basically begin running your program from where it left off

set var name=value set the value of variable "name" to "value"

bt - show the call frames for your program frame # - set the current frame to #. Variables you reference etc. will be those within that context.

quit - leave the debugger

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