Store files in cloud and On premises using Storage Gateway

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/this-is-learning/store-files-in-cloud-and-on-premises-using-storage-gateway-4knk
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Store files in cloud and On premises using Storage Gateway

Aug 9

・1 min read

What if we want to store some of our data on premises and some on the cloud. AWS has some options for it for storage there is Storage Gateway. AWS Storage Gateway is a set of hybrid cloud services that gives you on-premises access to virtually unlimited cloud storage.

Storage Gateway

It helps you to bridge the gap between on premise data and cloud storage. It simplifies and seamlessly connect your on premises storage to cloud storage. This service includes an optimized and efficient data transfer mechanism, with bandwidth and automated resilience, and which provides a consistent experience using the AWS Console on-premises and in the AWS Cloud. It is mostly used to move backups to the cloud, using on-premises file shares backed by cloud storage, and providing low latency access to data in AWS for on-premises applications.


  1. Simple - It is very simple to use your applications will use your cloud environment storage same as your on premises data once its setup

  2. Efficient access - AWS Storage Gateway caches data in the local VM or gateway hardware appliance, providing low-latency disk and network performance for your most active data.

  3. Scalable - Using the infinite scale of storage of S3 you can use any amount of storage you want.

  4. Durable - All the data using AWS storage leverages same benefits of cloud storage for a very durable experience

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