GTA V Leaves Xbox Game Pass After 5 Months, New Games Join the Service in August

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/gta-v-leaves-xbox-game-pass-after-5-months-new-games-join-the-service-in-august-533667.shtml
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Hades, Art of Rally, more coming to Xbox Game Pass soon

Microsoft made quite a fuss about adding Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V to its Xbox Game Pass gaming service back in April, but it looks like that was not meant to last. Typically, games added to Xbox Game Pass are only available for a limited time, but GTA V is a weird position since the game has only been added to the library five months ago.

Earlier this week, Microsoft confirmed GTA V will leave Xbox Game Pass on August 8. While this is not the only title that will leave the gaming service, it is the only one that was only available for five months.

However, five months should be more than enough for someone who was not sure if they are going to like the game to pay for it. Not to mention that GTA V is part of promotions quite often, so there is no excuse to not own the game yet.

Along with GTA V, but on August 15, the following games will leave Xbox Game Pass: Ape Out, Crossing Souls, Darksiders Genesis, Don’t Starve, Final Fantasy VII, and Train Sim World 2020.

On the bright side, there are quite a few titles joining Microsoft’s gaming service: Curse of the Dead Gods (cloud, console, and PC), Dodgeball Academia (cloud, console, and PC), Katamari Damacy Reroll (cloud, console, and PC), Lumines Remastered (cloud, console, and PC), Skate (console, EA Play), Skate 3 (cloud, EA Play), Starmancer (PC, Game Preview), Art of Rally (cloud, console, and PC), Hades (cloud, console, and PC), and Microsoft Solitaire Collection: Premium Edition (PC).

Aside from Art of Rally, Hades and Microsoft Solitaire Collection, which will be available starting August 12, August 13 and August 17, respectively, all other titles listed above will join Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass gaming service on August 5.

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