5 Cryptocurrencies To Watch On Binance This Week: BNB, AXS, C98, ETH, BTC

 2 years ago
source link: https://cryptomode.com/5-cryptocurrencies-to-watch-on-binance-this-week-bnb-axs-c98-eth-btc/
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Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts are looking for the next “big token” to invest in. Therefore, gauging the popularity of certain tokens or even their trending search volume on exchanges can prove worthwhile. The following five assets are all popular on Binance recently, although their price performance may not necessarily reflect that popularity. 

Binance Coin (BNB)

Not too many people will be surprised to learn that Binance Coin is a trending search on the Binance exchange. As the platform’s native asset to reduce trading fees, many people are of great interest. The speculative side of BNB has proven worthwhile, too, as its overall price performance remains more than solid. Despite a 1.3% price dip, it is the top search on the exchange. Interestingly, just 43% of the BNB volume comes from Binance itself. 

Axie Infinity Shard (AXS)

The ongoing popularity of Axie Infinity and its play-to-earn model makes more people excited about the AXS price. Even today, the asset notes a solid growth, whereas other markets struggle a bit. As 38% of its volume comes from Binance, its #2 spot as trending search is all the more remarkable. So many people want to explore this blockchain game and make money from it, which is interesting. How high that will push the AXS price is a different matter, though. 

Coin 98 (C98)

While most people may not be familiar with Coin 98, the project spans an all-in-one DeFi suite with various products and services. The team recently launched its token on Binance’s Launchpad, which explains why it is such a popular search trend on the exchange right now. As 98% of its volume comes from Binance, it is likely there will be some increased interest in C98 for a while to come. Noting a strong price performance is a very different ball game, though.

Ethereum (ETH)

What is remarkable about Ethereum’s price lately is how it seems to perform better than Bitcoin. While that is not uncommon among cryptocurrencies, it is somewhat unusual to see it materialize for top markets. For Ethereum, the performance has been relatively good in recent weeks, whereas Bitcoin shows some signs of bearish momentum now and then. Decoupling between the two remains unlikely, but it is intriguing either way. Twelve percent of Ethereum’s volume comes from Binance these days, which is slightly more than Bitcoin’s. 

Bitcoin (BTC)

Albeit just 10% of Bitcoins’ trading volume comes from Binance, it is a trendy search topic on the exchange. Bitcoin, as the world’s leading cryptocurrency, often dictates the pace for other markets to follow. Unfortunately, today doesn’t appear to be much of an exciting day for BTC, as it struggles to stay above $40,000. Surprisingly, Bitcoin’s negative momentum is much bigger than that of alternative markets, which will be of great interest to the many altcoin speculators and hopefuls. 

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