It's taken a bit longer than usual, but AMD's Zen 3 (Cezanne) APUs are finally c...

 2 years ago
source link: https://twitter.com/RyanSmithAT/status/1423038499955957767
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It's taken a bit longer than usual, but AMD's Zen 3 (Cezanne) APUs are finally coming to the retail market. has the full scoop on AMD's mono-die chips, and where these 4/6/8 core parts stand in AMD's overall desktop processor lineup.
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· 7h

The newest @AMDRyzen APUs with integrated graphics go on sale August 5th. We tested the Ryzen 7 5700G ($359) and Ryzen 5 5600G ($259), but also a surprise star: the Ryzen 3 5300G could capture some retail market if AMD released it. Full review 👇


Ryzen 5000G APUs

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