Google Starts Running Bitcoin Ads

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.trustnodes.com/2021/08/03/google-starts-running-bitcoin-ads
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Google Starts Running Bitcoin Ads – Trustnodes

Google has lifted a ban on bitcoin and crypto advertising imposed for more than three years since March 2018.

Starting from today (August 3rd) bitcoin and crypto companies can once more advertised on the search giant and the many websites that make part of its platform.

Thus Coinbase now shows up as the top result when you search for bitcoin in USA, with the crypto exchange so bidding itself to the top:

Coinbase's bitcoin ad on Google, August 2021Coinbase’s bitcoin ad on Google, August 2021

“Beginning August 3, advertisers offering Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Wallets targeting the United States may advertise those products and services,” Google said back in June.

They have some requirements, like be registered with FinCen or be a bank and “comply with relevant legal requirements, including any local legal requirements, whether at a state or federal level.”

It’s not clear what effect this will have, but advertising obviously works, hence why companies keep doing it.

Bitcoin itself doesn’t have a marketing budget, relying instead on companies that provide bitcoin services to do the marketing.

This lifting of the ban by Google should allow those companies to advertise again, something that may increase bitcoin’s exposure.

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