SEC Chair Gensler Hints at Approval of Bitcoin ETF

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.trustnodes.com/2021/08/03/sec-chair-gensler-hints-at-approval-of-bitcoin-etf
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SEC Chair Gensler Hints at Approval of Bitcoin ETF – Trustnodes

The new chair of the Securities and Exchanges Commission (SEC), Gary Gensler, has hinted a certain type of a bitcoin ETF might be approved.

Speaking at the Aspen Security Forum, Gensler said he expects new ETF applications under the Investment Company Act, ETFs that link to CFTC regulated bitcoin futures, regarding those, “I look forward to seeing what SEC says about those ETFs,” he said.

In recognizing that there have been many applications for a bitcoin ETF, he singled out specifically ETFs based on bitcoin futures, with his remark that we’ll see what SEC thinks about them seemingly suggesting he is ready to approve those types of ETFs.

There have been quite a few recent ones that track bitcoin’s price based on CFTC regulated bitcoin futures, with a decision due in the coming months.

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