Instagram Rolls Out Language Translation Options Within Instagram Stories

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/instagram-rolls-out-language-translation-options-within-instagram-stories/603746/
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Instagram Rolls Out Language Translation Options Within Instagram Stories

Published July 21, 2021
Andrew Hutchinson Content and Social Media Manager

Instagram has added another way to improve accessibility, with the global expansion of language translation within Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories translations

As you can see in this example, now, when you see a Story with overlay text in another language, you'll now have the option to translate that text on-screen.

In order to do this, users will now be shown a new ‘See Translations’ banner in the upper left corner of their IG stories whenever a foreign language is detected (based on phone settings). Tap on that option, and you'll be shown a new translation panel like the one above.

Instagram says that over 90 languages are currently supported through the functionality - though, as of right now, translations are only available for text, with no capacity for direct audio conversion.

But even so, it could still improve accessibility - while for brands, it may also provide a means to branch into new markets, with promotions that can be easily translated by users within the app.

Similar translation options are already available for feed posts, user profiles and comments.

Instagram also added automated text captions for Stories earlier this year - so theoretically, you could use the captions sticker and this new function to translate speech in your clips into another language. But that may not be possible at this stage.

Either way, it's another important accessibility development for Instagram, and another consideration for your Stories process. 


Andrew Hutchinson

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