Have You ever Used Target Groups as a Condition when Designing a Personalized Em...

 2 years ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/07/20/have-you-ever-used-target-groups-as-a-condition-when-designing-a-personalized-email/
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Product Information
Posted on July 20, 2021 1 minute read

Have You ever Used Target Groups as a Condition when Designing a Personalized Email?

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By using conditions when designing emails, you can create highly personalized email content. This blog post shows how easily you can apply this in SAP Marketing Cloud when you require very complex conditions.

I would recommend checking out the documentation Using Target Groups as a Condition on the SAP HELP Portal.


Use the Segmentation Configuration app to enable the attribute TARGET_GROUP as a personalization attribute in the Content Studio. Use the appropriate segmentation profile in your email settings. The attribute has to be visible as a default setting.

Create an Email in the Content Studio

Create a New Condition with the Attribute Target Group

Choose Assign Conditions for the subject line, preview text or column in the area Assigned Conditions.

On the Assign Condition dialog box, create a new condition, select the target group as the attribute, use the operator contains, and assign one or more target groups.


Design the content for the new condition accordingly.



During campaign execution, as soon as the current contact is found in one of the selected target groups, the condition is true and the text is displayed in this message to this contact.

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