Better Together: Building Exceptional Customer Experiences with SAP Business Tec...

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source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2021/07/20/better-together-building-exceptional-customer-experiences-with-sap-business-technology-platform/
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Business Trends
Posted on July 20, 2021 2 minute read

Better Together: Building Exceptional Customer Experiences with SAP Business Technology Platform

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When it comes to sporting events, concerts and other live entertainment, experience is everything. The sights, sounds and emotions we experience are what engrain these moments in our minds. You’ll always remember singing along to your favorite song in the front row or jumping up and down with friends and family, even a stranger, when your team scores the winning point. These moments are why people flock to live events around the globe.

But nothing quite illustrates the power of experience like the absence of it. In 2020 the moratorium on in-person group experiences showed us just how important they can be—and, for VIP experience provider DAIMANI, how valuable they are. For DAIMANI’s customers, the VIP experience goes beyond the event itself. It extends to travel, lodging, nightlife, and anything else peripheral to the event. DAIMANI can do that with their solution built on SAP Business Technology Platform that brings together people, events and all the extras that make a seamless VIP experience.

For this series of Better Together: Customer Conversations, we’ll be discussing how to go from customer service to customer experience, with DAIMANI and their remarkable solution.

On the podcast episode Tamara McCleary chats with Max Mueller, CEO at DAIMANI, to explore how the company approached the concept of customer experience from a digital standpoint. We’ll also be joined by Kevin Jackson, CEO at GC GlobalNet, who will illuminate the changing concept of customer experience in a post-pandemic world and the role cloud infrastructure plays in creating experiences.

Join me for the LinkedIn session where Max and I dive deeper into DAIMANI’s unique journey to delivering exceptional customer service.

We’ll follow DAIMANI’s incredible story of rapid growth at a time when the world of entertainment faced a relative standstill. You’ll hear how the company used SAP BTP to establish an infrastructure that supports global events, clients and currencies, and ties everything together on a platform that’s highly versatile and user-friendly. We’ll also explore the concept of cloud focused CX from both sides: company and customer.

DAIMANI is taking a traditionally transaction-based market in an experiential direction, and it’s doing it at a global scale. This is a can’t-miss episode of Better Together: Customer Conversations for anyone who’s ever faced the complexities of planning a multifaceted experience, for personal or business uses. You’ll be amazed to discover how DAIMANI is able to offer clients a friction-free marketplace for VIP hospitality services, leveraging the power of its carefully orchestrated cloud environment. DAIMANI is a prime example of how to deliver exceptional customer experiences and how businesses can use SAP Business Technology Platform to enhance their performance. You can explore this episode at SAP.com/btp.

Looking for more innovation inspiration and how to deliver an exceptional customer experience no matter your business? Here are two other examples:

Visit SAP.com/btp to check out the podcast and the LinkedIn session.

And, as always, I want your input. Tell me what topics you’d like to discuss in the future and give me feedback on the questions we should be asking our guests.

You can also contact us if you’d like to be a guest on an episode.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK