50 Things Literally Every Single Person Has Experienced But Never, Ever Talks Ab...

 2 years ago
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·Posted on Jul 8, 2021

50 Things Basically Everyone Has Experienced But Never, Ever Talks About

Ain't it the truth.

Pretty much every human on Earth has experienced...

1. The eye rub:

Twitter: @newwxve_


2. The longest walk:

3. The eeeeeeeeeeeeee:


4. The true mark of adulthood:

Twitter: @madameanthro

6. Ye ol' garbage-can read:


8. The $5 spending spree:


9. The tingles:

tweet reading me hits my elbow my entire nervous system and it's a photo of a glitched out homer simpson

10. The flailing:

tweet reading chasing after a ping pong ball is wildly dehumanizing

12. The final brush:

Is it a universal thing to brush your teeth an hour before the dentist to try and hide the prior 6 months of neglect?

03:20 AM - 18 Sep 2020

13. The downside of being kind:

you ever been too nice and ended up in a situation that you could've avoided if you had just been an asshole

06:34 PM - 11 Aug 2018

Twitter: @noahalaktas

14. Those essential minutes:

If I wake up at 8:27 and my alarm was set on 8:30 you can bet 100% imma close my eyes and go back to sleep for those 3 minutes

01:21 PM - 11 Mar 2020

Twitter: @abigailodm

15. The brain reboot:

Sometimes i say “huh?” then answer the question before the person even repeats themselves. Im not deaf, my brain just be laggin like a 2005 Dell desktop x

04:14 PM - 03 Sep 2019

Twitter: @sarahmaloneyxx

17. The time double-check:

Does anyone else ever pull their phone out to check the time but then have to do it again cuz they forgot to actually look at the clock or am I just stupid

01:05 AM - 13 Feb 2019

18. The immediate track:

19. The security anxiety:

U know that feeling of anxiety as you’re about to walk past the security sensors on your way out of a store and u think omg did I shove a tv up my ass i can't remember

03:54 PM - 26 Dec 2019

20. The hidden hill breathing:

Y’all ever try to breathe quieter while walking up a hill so bystanders don’t hear you fighting for your life

08:37 PM - 03 Apr 2019

22. What really happens before an email:

“Apologies for my delayed response. I thought about emailing you back every day for the past two weeks but I just didn’t.”

01:55 PM - 29 Mar 2021

Twitter: @carlosiruizm

23. The quadruple overpack:

Does anyone else pack underwear for a trip like they're planning on shitting themselves twice for every day they're gone?

05:22 AM - 28 Dec 2018

24. The immediate ignore:

One of my biggest faults is that when I ask someone their name I forget to listen to what their name is. I really need to work on this

08:44 PM - 07 Jul 2018

25. The mumbles:

Spongebob heaving as his mouth is pushed open by Patrick with the caption "The Dentist: So how's life going"

27. The out-of-body experience:

Do u ever drive like a solid 5 min while thinking about something incredibly random and stupid then ur like were any of those lights I passed green how did I get here WTF ??

08:29 PM - 13 Oct 2018

Twitter: @RyleeVonhof

29. The synchronized breathing:

You ever lay next to someone and try to breath like them and almost die???

07:24 PM - 04 Mar 2019

30. The super-stupid question:

yall ever have to google a question so dumb that u gotta go into incognito mode

04:12 AM - 05 Dec 2019

32. The charger yoga:

34. The google of shame:

When you Google the lyrics of a song and realise you’ve been singing nonsense for 6 months

01:12 AM - 15 Feb 2020

35. The school shuffle:

36. The headphone pull:

When you've got ear phones in but forget and walk away from your laptop

08:16 PM - 01 Jul 2020


38. The shower envy:

i should get in the shower

*2 hours later someone else starts the shower*

me: oh my god fuck you i was JUST about to get in there

05:44 PM - 15 May 2015

39. The sorrow:

Shrek looking sad with the caption "when you agreed to go out and the time to go out is getting closer"


42. The out-of-body experience:

43. The remote trace:


44. The big delay:


45. The soundtrack to life:



47. That lil' awkward shuffle:

that awkward little run when someone lets you cross the street

06:36 AM - 06 Nov 2020

49. The room fashion show:

when you clean your room & you leave to see how it would look if someone walked in

10:49 PM - 24 Apr 2019

50. And the ol' towel excuse:

sorry i’m late i was sat on my bed with a towel for 45 minutes staring at a wall.

04:46 PM - 30 Aug 2020

Valid, honestly.

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