Billie Eilish Revealed Problematic Favorite Cartoon Character In Resurfaced Inte...

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/leylamohammed/billie-eilish-problematic-favorite-cartoon-character
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Billie Eilish Revealed Her Favorite Cartoon Character In A Resurfaced Interview And Her Problematic Answer Has Caused A Ton Of Drama

The white character Billie referenced has a long-standing history of cultural appropriation, speaking with a "blaccent," and appearing oblivious to issues of racial injustice.

Posted on July 9, 2021, at 2:27 p.m. ET

Just three weeks ago, Billie Eilish was forced to apologize after a problematic video from around five years ago resurfaced, showing her mouthing along to an anti-Asian slur in a song, imitating an Asian accent, and using a "blaccent."


Toni Anne Barson / WireImage

In a statement issued a week after the clip went viral, Billie revealed she felt "appalled" and "embarrassed" by her actions, and claimed she didn't know her words were offensive at the time.

"There’s a video edit going around of me when I was 13 or 14 where I mouthed a word from a song that at the time I didn’t know was a derogatory term used against members of the Asian community," she explained.


Kevin Mazur / Getty Images for Live Nation

"I am appalled and embarrassed and want to barf that I ever mouthed along to that word," she continued.

Well, Billie appears to be at the center of criticism yet again, after a controversial interview clip from three years ago began making the rounds on Twitter.

The clip in question involves Billie sitting down for an interview with Montreality, during which she's asked about a bunch of personal topics.


Montreality / Via youtube.com

These topics include her being a vegetarian, her most real song lyrics, and a question about her favorite cartoon character — her answer to which is now causing backlash.


Montreality / Via youtube.com

In response to the last question, Billie revealed that her favorite cartoon character is Cindy from The Boondocks, explaining that she relates to her and believes the two are very alike.


Montreality / Via youtube.com

In case you didn’t know, The Boondocks is a sitcom known for its satirical representation of Black caricatures. In a nutshell, it’s a comedic show written by a Black creator, full of jokes and commentary about the Black community.


The Boondocks Wiki / Via boondocks.fandom.com

The character Billie revealed as her favorite, Cindy McPhearson, is a white girl known for her blaccent, having many stereotypically "Black” interests, and ultimately appearing completely oblivious to racial issues. In the resurfaced clip, Billie explains, “I think my favorite character honestly would be Cindy from The Boondocks. That's like me — that's me, if I did all the things I thought about doing.”

After the clip resurfaced, people online began calling Billie out for saying she related to a white character whose entire personality rests on appropriating Black culture, with many branding her a "culture vulture."


Kevin Mazur / Getty Images for The Recording Academy

“We told y’all she was a culture vulture,” one person tweeted. “That character was literally placed in The Boondocks to satirize white girls who build their entire personality off hip-hop culture… And that’s her fave.”

We told y’all she was a culture vulture.

That character was literally placed in the Boondocks to satirize white girls who build their entire personality off hip-hop culture...

And that’s her fave.

03:37 PM - 08 Jul 2021

Twitter: @LoLoVonZ

Another tweeted, “the show is literally based off of black stereotypes that black people can laugh at…. cindys whole character is pretending to be black so the fact that she relates to her is a little concerning.”

@BazalTorch @knotIess the show is literally based off of black stereotypes that black people can laugh at.... cindys whole character is pretending to be black so the fact that she relates to her is a little concerning

03:38 AM - 08 Jul 2021


And many more people were frustrated with Billie's response, especially in light of the accusations of cultural appropriation she's received over the years, as well as her most recent controversy.

tw racism

u guys know even if u dont think billie eilish is queerbaiting she is literally l racist and u shouldn’t support her right?????

12:08 AM - 15 Jun 2021

“It’s actually funny that she feels connected to cindy bc they’re the same," one person wrote. "Cindy is a white girl from the suburbs with no connection to blackness but still puts on a blaccent for no reason and that’s billie herself.”

no it’s actually funny that she feels connected to cindy bc they’re the same. cindy is a white girl from the suburbs with no connection to blackness but still puts on a blaccent for no reason and that’s billie herself. https://t.co/8S2Ld76Rlg

05:31 PM - 07 Jul 2021

Twitter: @httpsbt5

“Always knew something was off about Billie when I found out her and bhad bhabies used to be best friends," another person said.

@knotIess Always knew something was off about Billie when I found out her and bhad bhabies used to be best friends

10:14 PM - 07 Jul 2021

Twitter: @Josss_ie

“Cindy's whole character revolves around pretending to be black..the pieces are coming together, it's all connecting,” another person tweeted.

cindy's whole character revolves around pretending to be black..the pieces are coming together it's all connecting https://t.co/Bra1Ze8YZY

05:47 AM - 09 Jul 2021

Twitter: @hyeadora

However, a bunch of people came to Billie’s defense.


Scott Dudelson / Getty Images

“It’s not that deep,” one person said. “The show is for everyone. She can identify as any character she wants.”

@knotIess You know a friend said this to me at work.

People who have no problems want to nitpick at the smallest of shit just so they can feel like their fighting for something.

It's not that deep. The show is for everyone. She can identify as any character as she wants. Get some help.

11:09 PM - 07 Jul 2021

“Do people not realize you don’t have to be a certain ethnicity/race to enjoy a show?" another person wrote. "If a show is good, it is good.”

@defnoodles Do people not realize you don't have to be a certain ethnicity/race to enjoy a show? If a show is good, it is good. 😐

09:16 PM - 08 Jul 2021

“Y’all have got to relax," said another. "This is such a nonissue. This fake, performative outrage is why people don't take our actual issues seriously.”

@defnoodles Y’all have got to relax. This is such a nonissue. This fake, performative outrage is why people don’t take our actual issues seriously.

07:49 AM - 09 Jul 2021

In the full interview, Billie went on to explain in further detail why she finds Cindy so relatable.


Kevin Mazur / Getty Images for The Recording Academy

She praised her badass reputation and mentioned several times how much she loved the fact that Cindy always defended her friends — and didn't explicitly mention anything about her problematic personality.

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