
 3 years ago
source link: https://tonybai.com/2021/07/06/add-metrics-for-go-application-using-go-metrics/
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本文永久链接 – https://tonybai.com/2021/07/06/add-metrics-for-go-application-using-go-metrics


go-metrics包是Go领域使用较多的是metrics包,该包是对Java社区依旧十分活跃的Coda Hale’s Metrics library的不完全Go移植(不得不感慨一下:Java的生态还真是强大)。因此该包在概念上与Coda Hale’s Metrics library是基本保持一致的。go-metrics包在文档方面做的还不够,要理解很多概念性的东西,我们还得回到Coda Hale’s Metrics library的项目文档去挖掘。


1. go-metrics的结构

go-metrics在度量指标组织上采用了与Coda Hale’s Metrics library相同的结构,即使用Metrics Registry(Metrics注册表)。Metrics注册表是一个度量指标的集合:

                             │             │
                      ┌──────┤    metric1  │
                      │      │             │
                      │      └─────────────┘
┌─────────────────┐   │      ┌─────────────┐
│                 ├───┘      │             │
│                 │          │    metric2  │
│     Registry    ├──────────┤             │
│                 │          └─────────────┘
│                 ├───────┐
│                 │       │
└──────────────┬──┘       │  ┌─────────────┐
               │          │  │             │
               │          └──┤    metric3  │
               │             │             │
               │             └─────────────┘
               │                   ... ...
               │             ┌─────────────┐
               │             │             │
               └─────────────┤    metricN  │
                             │             │


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
type Registry interface {

    // Call the given function for each registered metric.
    Each(func(string, interface{}))

    // Get the metric by the given name or nil if none is registered.
    Get(string) interface{}

    // GetAll metrics in the Registry.
    GetAll() map[string]map[string]interface{}

    // Gets an existing metric or registers the given one.
    // The interface can be the metric to register if not found in registry,
    // or a function returning the metric for lazy instantiation.
    GetOrRegister(string, interface{}) interface{}

    // Register the given metric under the given name.
    Register(string, interface{}) error

    // Run all registered healthchecks.

    // Unregister the metric with the given name.

    // Unregister all metrics.  (Mostly for testing.)


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
type StandardRegistry struct {
    metrics map[string]interface{}
    mutex   sync.RWMutex


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
func NewRegistry() Registry {
    return &StandardRegistry{metrics: make(map[string]interface{})}


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
var DefaultRegistry Registry = NewRegistry()


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
func GetOrRegister(name string, i interface{}) interface{} {
    return DefaultRegistry.GetOrRegister(name, i)

2. go-metrics的度量类型

go-metrics继承了其前身Coda Hale’s Metrics library所支持的几种基本的度量类型,它们是Gauges、Counters、Histograms、Meters和Timers。下面我们就针对这几种基本度量类型逐一说明一下其含义和使用方法。

1) Gauge



// gauge.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    g := metrics.NewGauge()
    metrics.GetOrRegister("goroutines.now", g)
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    go func() {
        t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
        for {
            select {
            case <-t.C:
                c := runtime.NumGoroutine()
                fmt.Println("goroutines now =", g.Value())
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


$hey -c 5 -n 1000000 -m GET

$go run gauge.go
goroutines now = 9
goroutines now = 10
goroutines now = 7
goroutines now = 8
goroutines now = 7
goroutines now = 7
... ...


// gauge1.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    g := metrics.NewGauge()
    metrics.GetOrRegister("goroutines.now", g)
    go metrics.Log(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, log.Default())
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    go func() {
        t := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
        for {
            select {
            case <-t.C:
                c := runtime.NumGoroutine()
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


$go run gauge1.go
2021/07/04 09:42:58 gauge goroutines.now
2021/07/04 09:42:58   value:              10
2021/07/04 09:42:59 gauge goroutines.now
2021/07/04 09:42:59   value:               9
2021/07/04 09:43:00 gauge goroutines.now
2021/07/04 09:43:00   value:               9
2021/07/04 09:43:01 gauge goroutines.now
2021/07/04 09:43:01   value:              10
... ...


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/registry.go
func (r *StandardRegistry) Each(f func(string, interface{})) {
    metrics := r.registered()
    for i := range metrics {
        kv := &metrics[i]
        f(kv.name, kv.value)

func (r *StandardRegistry) registered() []metricKV {
    defer r.mutex.RUnlock()
    metrics := make([]metricKV, 0, len(r.metrics))
    for name, i := range r.metrics {
        metrics = append(metrics, metricKV{
            name:  name,
            value: i,
    return metrics


2) Counter


// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/counter.go
type Counter interface {
    Count() int64
    Snapshot() Counter


// counter.go

package main

import (


func main() {
    c := metrics.NewCounter()
    metrics.GetOrRegister("total.requests", c)
    go metrics.Log(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, log.Default())
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

在这段代码中,我们每收到一个http request就在其对应的处理函数中利用Counter的Inc方法增加计数,运行上述代码:

$go run counter.go
2021/07/04 10:29:03 counter total.requests
... ...
2021/07/04 10:29:06 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:06   count:               0
2021/07/04 10:29:07 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:07   count:           33890
2021/07/04 10:29:08 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:08   count:           80160
2021/07/04 10:29:09 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:09   count:          124855
2021/07/04 10:29:10 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:10   count:          172077
2021/07/04 10:29:11 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:11   count:          218466
2021/07/04 10:29:12 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:12   count:          265476
2021/07/04 10:29:13 counter total.requests
2021/07/04 10:29:13   count:          309153
... ...

3) Meter

Meter这个类型用于测量一组事件发生的速度,比如:web服务的平均处理性能(条/秒),除了平均值,go-metrics的Meter默认还提供1分钟、5分钟和15分钟时间段的平均速度,和top命令中的load average输出的一分钟、五分钟、以及十五分钟的系统平均负载类似。


// meter.go 

package main

import (


func main() {
    m := metrics.NewMeter()
    metrics.GetOrRegister("rate.requests", m)
    go metrics.Log(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, log.Default())
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)

我们用hey给该web server“施压”并查看Meter度量指标的输出结果:

$hey -c 5 -n 1000000 -m GET

$go run meter.go
2021/07/04 10:55:59 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:55:59   count:               0
2021/07/04 10:55:59   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:55:59   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:55:59   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 10:55:59   mean rate:           0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:00 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:00   count:               0
2021/07/04 10:56:00   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:00   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:00   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:00   mean rate:           0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:01 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:01   count:            8155
2021/07/04 10:56:01   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:01   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:01   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:01   mean rate:        2718.27
2021/07/04 10:56:02 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:02   count:           50937
2021/07/04 10:56:02   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:02   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:02   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 10:56:02   mean rate:       12734.04
2021/07/04 10:56:03 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:03   count:           96129
2021/07/04 10:56:03   1-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:03   5-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:03   15-min rate:     19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:03   mean rate:       19225.54
2021/07/04 10:56:04 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:04   count:          141076
2021/07/04 10:56:04   1-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:04   5-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:04   15-min rate:     19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:04   mean rate:       23512.40
2021/07/04 10:56:05 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:05   count:          187733
2021/07/04 10:56:05   1-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:05   5-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:05   15-min rate:     19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:05   mean rate:       26818.71
2021/07/04 10:56:06 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:06   count:          234874
2021/07/04 10:56:06   1-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:06   5-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:06   15-min rate:     19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:06   mean rate:       29358.98
2021/07/04 10:56:07 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:07   count:          279201
2021/07/04 10:56:07   1-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:07   5-min rate:      19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:07   15-min rate:     19225.00
2021/07/04 10:56:07   mean rate:       31022.05
2021/07/04 10:56:08 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:08   count:          321704
2021/07/04 10:56:08   1-min rate:      21295.03
2021/07/04 10:56:08   5-min rate:      19652.92
2021/07/04 10:56:08   15-min rate:     19368.43
2021/07/04 10:56:08   mean rate:       32170.20
2021/07/04 10:56:09 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:09   count:          362403
2021/07/04 10:56:09   1-min rate:      21295.03
2021/07/04 10:56:09   5-min rate:      19652.92
2021/07/04 10:56:09   15-min rate:     19368.43
2021/07/04 10:56:09   mean rate:       32945.48
2021/07/04 10:56:10 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:10   count:          401442
2021/07/04 10:56:10   1-min rate:      21295.03
2021/07/04 10:56:10   5-min rate:      19652.92
2021/07/04 10:56:10   15-min rate:     19368.43
2021/07/04 10:56:10   mean rate:       33453.34
2021/07/04 10:56:11 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:11   count:          440905
2021/07/04 10:56:11   1-min rate:      21295.03
2021/07/04 10:56:11   5-min rate:      19652.92
2021/07/04 10:56:11   15-min rate:     19368.43
2021/07/04 10:56:11   mean rate:       33915.67
2021/07/04 10:56:12 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:12   count:          479301
2021/07/04 10:56:12   1-min rate:      21295.03
2021/07/04 10:56:12   5-min rate:      19652.92
2021/07/04 10:56:12   15-min rate:     19368.43
2021/07/04 10:56:12   mean rate:       34235.60
2021/07/04 10:56:13 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:13   count:          518843
2021/07/04 10:56:13   1-min rate:      22744.85
2021/07/04 10:56:13   5-min rate:      19979.77
2021/07/04 10:56:13   15-min rate:     19479.57
2021/07/04 10:56:13   mean rate:       34589.43
2021/07/04 10:56:14 meter rate.requests
2021/07/04 10:56:14   count:          560260
2021/07/04 10:56:14   1-min rate:      22744.85
2021/07/04 10:56:14   5-min rate:      19979.77
2021/07/04 10:56:14   15-min rate:     19479.57
2021/07/04 10:56:14   mean rate:       35016.17

如果使用Meter度量服务的最佳性能值,那么需要有持续稳定的“施压”,待1、5、15分钟速率稳定后,这时的值才有意义。Meter的最后一项mean rate是平均值,即服务启动后处理请求的总量与程序运行时间的比值。

4) Histogram



// histogram.go
package main

import (


func main() {
    s := metrics.NewExpDecaySample(1028, 0.015)
    h := metrics.NewHistogram(s)
    metrics.GetOrRegister("latency.response", h)
    go metrics.Log(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, log.Default())
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        i := rand.Intn(10)
        h.Update(int64(time.Microsecond * time.Duration(i)))
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


$go run histogram.go
2021/07/04 11:31:54 histogram latency.response
2021/07/04 11:31:54   count:               0
2021/07/04 11:31:54   min:                 0
2021/07/04 11:31:54   max:                 0
2021/07/04 11:31:54   mean:                0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   stddev:              0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   median:              0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   75%:                 0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   95%:                 0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   99%:                 0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:54   99.9%:               0.00
2021/07/04 11:31:55   99.9%:               0.00
... ...
2021/07/04 11:31:59 histogram latency.response
2021/07/04 11:31:59   count:           33244
2021/07/04 11:31:59   min:                 0
2021/07/04 11:31:59   max:              9000
2021/07/04 11:31:59   mean:             4457.20
2021/07/04 11:31:59   stddev:           2793.67
2021/07/04 11:31:59   median:           4000.00
2021/07/04 11:31:59   75%:              7000.00
2021/07/04 11:31:59   95%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:31:59   99%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:31:59   99.9%:            9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:00 histogram latency.response
2021/07/04 11:32:00   count:           78970
2021/07/04 11:32:00   min:                 0
2021/07/04 11:32:00   max:              9000
2021/07/04 11:32:00   mean:             4465.95
2021/07/04 11:32:00   stddev:           2842.12
2021/07/04 11:32:00   median:           4000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:00   75%:              7000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:00   95%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:00   99%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:00   99.9%:            9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:01 histogram latency.response
2021/07/04 11:32:01   count:          124573
2021/07/04 11:32:01   min:                 0
2021/07/04 11:32:01   max:              9000
2021/07/04 11:32:01   mean:             4459.14
2021/07/04 11:32:01   stddev:           2820.38
2021/07/04 11:32:01   median:           4000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:01   75%:              7000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:01   95%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:01   99%:              9000.00
2021/07/04 11:32:01   99.9%:            9000.00
... ...


5) Timer



// https://github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/blob/master/timer.go

func NewTimer() Timer {
    if UseNilMetrics {
        return NilTimer{}
    return &StandardTimer{
        histogram: NewHistogram(NewExpDecaySample(1028, 0.015)),
        meter:     NewMeter(),

我们看到一个StandardTimer是由histogram和meter组成的。 我们还是以上面的http server服务为例,我们这次用Timer来度量:

// timer.go

package main

import (


func main() {
    m := metrics.NewTimer()
    metrics.GetOrRegister("timer.requests", m)
    go metrics.Log(metrics.DefaultRegistry, time.Second, log.Default())
    http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        i := rand.Intn(10)
        m.Update(time.Microsecond * time.Duration(i))
    http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)


$go run timer.go
2021/07/04 17:13:47 timer timer.requests
2021/07/04 17:13:47   count:           13750
2021/07/04 17:13:47   min:                 0.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   max:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   mean:             4406.61ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   stddev:           2785.11ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   median:           4000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   75%:              7000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   95%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   99%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   99.9%:            9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:47   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:47   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:47   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:47   mean rate:       13748.57
2021/07/04 17:13:48 timer timer.requests
2021/07/04 17:13:48   count:           56584
2021/07/04 17:13:48   min:                 0.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   max:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   mean:             4442.61ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   stddev:           2895.66ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   median:           4000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   75%:              7000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   95%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   99%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   99.9%:            9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:48   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:48   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:48   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:48   mean rate:       28289.23
2021/07/04 17:13:49 timer timer.requests
2021/07/04 17:13:49   count:          102426
2021/07/04 17:13:49   min:                 0.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   max:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   mean:             4436.77ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   stddev:           2892.85ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   median:           4000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   75%:              7000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   95%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   99%:              9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   99.9%:            9000.00ns
2021/07/04 17:13:49   1-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:49   5-min rate:          0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:49   15-min rate:         0.00
2021/07/04 17:13:49   mean rate:       34140.68



本文涉及的源码可以在这里下载 – https://github.com/bigwhite/experiments/tree/master/go-metrics


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