Rustdoc: Do not list impl when trait has doc(hidden) by fee1-dead · Pull Request...

 2 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/86513
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danielhenrymantilla commented 9 days ago


Nice, I like the manually laid out stack to avoid recursing slightly_smiling_face A few comments:

  • I've seen you're "only" checking for the type parameters of a #[doc(hidden)] trait, so the following questions remain open:

    • What happens if the cross-crate #[doc(hidden)] type is the "receiver" / Self of the impl Trait…?

      • Playground

      • Given your algorithm, I guess a very simple solution would be to add the Self type to that stack of yours +1

    • What happens if the trait itself is the cross-crate #[doc(hidden)] one?

      EDIT: Sorry, I had missed the fact that a cleaned trait becomes a Type, under rustdoc, so I suspect your PR already handles this case.

Could you try handling those the former case as well, together with unit tests for both cases? Thanks

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