These are all not all that relevant comparisons as long as the cores are missing...

 3 years ago
source link: https://twitter.com/andreif7/status/1409795787949850625
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Microsoft fanboys are worse than AMD fanboys.
You're just jealous of the industry leading PPA and royalty free ISA😏
I don’t see any reviews, just the table you posted, so. It isn’t that I doubt it, but it’s vapor until deployed and fully tested. Also, how do Firestorm and Icestorm look in there? 🧐
Very bold to assume SiFive would lie about something like that. Anyone who they shared IP with (like Renesas) would instantly know. Firestorm is obviously massive with worse PPA. Icestorm is the one worth looking at, I asked about it and from what I was told its too large.

Don’t need to lie. But SPECint06 is what you solely use to pass judgement on a CPU core? Funky.

What are the catches? None? Why no SPEC 2017? What about FP? Have the ISA’s memory consistency issues been truly fixed, with enough deployment to assert so? Thoughts,

They have SpecFP benches where they beat ARM competitors,, as well as Coremark (ARM loves to use), and one additional bench which I can't remember. Cache sizes are public. The information on that chart wasn't everything disclosed. Just enough to make the information digestible.
Some additional information is that they took those IPC measurements at 2.4Ghz, not super low clocks like some people were theorizing. Also not in that chart is the fact that with the smaller 128KB L2 config, a P550 core is actually smaller than A55.
These are all not all that relevant comparisons as long as the cores are missing the vector extensions. SiFive also don't include a lot of things into the area that need to be there in production. The P270 is much more interesting but I'm not seeing any area claim anywhere.
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