Threat Update 43 – Ransomware Early Warning: Brute Force

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.varonis.com/blog/threat-update-43-ransomware-early-warning-brute-force/
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Threat Update 43 – Ransomware Early Warning: Brute Force

Threat Detection

Inside Out Security Blog » Threat Detection » Threat Update 43 – Ransomware Early Warning: Brute Force

Rachel Hunt

Updated: 6/23/2021

With the proliferation of more sophisticated, human-operated ransomware, attackers can live inside an organization for days, weeks, or months – finding and exfiltrating data before making their presence known by detonating ransomware.

However, there are some early warning signs that can alert organizations before an attacker can gain much of a foothold. Join Kilian Englert and Ryan O’Boyle from the Varonis Cloud Architecture team as they talk about how monitoring for brute-force attempts helps organizations spot potential infiltration points or attempts to elevate rights. They will also review real-world examples of how to narrow down the source of the attempts to foil the attacker’s plans.

Articles referenced in this video:

How to Investigate NTLM Brute Force Attacks

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