Collective Dreams: The Metaverse As a Shared Imagination, Taking Place in Breakr...

 3 years ago
source link: https://ryanschultz.com/2021/06/22/collective-dreams-the-metaverse-as-a-shared-imagination-taking-place-in-breakroom-on-june-24th-2021/
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Collective Dreams: The Metaverse As a Shared Imagination, Taking Place in Breakroom on June 24th, 2021

On Thursday, June 24th, 2021 at noon PST/8:00 p.m. BST, the following four speakers will be taking part in a panel discussion titled Collective Dreams: The Metaverse As a Shared Imagination. The event takes place on the social VR platform Breakroom (created by Sine Wave Entertainment, the makers of Sinespace).

  • Philip Rosedale: Founder of Second Life and CEO and co-founder of High Fidelity
  • Adam Frisby: Co-founder of Open Simulator and Sine Wave Entertainment
  • Rohan Freeman: CEO and co-founder of Sine Wave Entertainment and Breakroom
  • Wagner James Au: Blogger (New World Notes) and author of The Making of Second Life and Game Design Secrets

According to the official announcement:

Since its inception in the early 90s, the Metaverse has inspired our wildest imagination — even if the technology to fully realize that dream has seemed just out of our grasp. But now, with advances in edge computing, VR, and 3D graphics/audio, nothing seems impossible. Given such powerful tools at our fingertips – what could this look like?

Join Metaverse pioneers Philip Rosedale, co-founder and CEO of High Fidelity, and Adam Frisby of Sine Wave Entertainment, for a candid, interactive fireside chat about virtual worlds, their past, present, and the shared creative vision for what they could be — live and onstage in the highly immersive virtual world of Breakroom.

You can register for the event here. It promises to be a fascinating discussion. See you there!

This blogpost is sponsored by Sinespace, and was written in my role as an embedded reporter for this virtual world (more details here). 

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