How to Use Vivaldi Calendar

 3 years ago
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Launched in 2015, Vivaldi has worked its way up, positioning itself as one of the most privacy-conscious browsers targeted at power users. It has an array of different features, including Vivaldi Calendar.

Here's a guide on how to use Vivaldi Calendar.

How to Set Up Vivaldi Calendar

Vivaldi launched its Calendar feature in June 2021, putting itself in the running to compete with other popular web calendars, like Google Calendar. To get started with Vivaldi's Calendar feature, update your browser to the latest version. Next, you need to enable the Calendar feature.

To do this, click the gear icon on the bottom left corner of your browser. Then, scroll down to Productivity Features under the General settings.

From here, toggle on Enable Mail, Calendar, and Feeds. You will now see additional options added on the left navigation panel in Vivaldi.

Enable calendar in Vivaldi

Tap the calendar icon on the navigation panel to get started with Vivaldi Calendar. Depending on your needs, you can set up Vivaldi Calendar in four ways. The first is by linking it to Vivaldi's webmail service. You can also connect it to Google Calendar, another web calendar of your choice, or use Vivaldi Calendar locally.

Linking to an existing calendar instantly imports your activities, so it's easier to get started with Vivaldi Calendar. But if you want to keep things private, go for the local option.

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How to Add an Event to Vivaldi Calendar

Once your Calendar is set up, it's time to start creating new events. Here's how you can easily add an event to Vivaldi Calendar.

  1. Tap the plus (+) icon at the top of the screen to open a new tab in Vivaldi.
  2. On the new tab, select Calendar besides Notes below the address bar. Alternatively, you can click the calendar icon from the left side panel.

    Calendar option Vivaldi
  3. On the main calendar view, tap New Event on the top right. Then, enter the event title.

    Create an event in Vivaldi Calendar
  4. Tap the downward-facing arrow beside the indicated date to set the event date.
  5. Tap the time to set the event's time. If the event will occupy your entire day, select All Day.
  6. Hit Save Event to finish. Once the event is saved, you can customize it further by including recurrence, participants (requires a Vivaldi Webmail account), locations, and more.
  7. To add multiple events within the same day, tap the plus (+) icon on the date and create your event.

Another quick and easy way of adding an event in Vivaldi is by using the Add as Calendar Event button built into the browser's right-click context menu.

To add an event using this feature:

  1. Highlight any text on a webpage.
  2. Right-click to show the context menu, and select Add as Calendar Event.
  3. On the popup, customize your event by setting a date and time, frequency, alarm, participants, and other details. When finished, click Add Event. You can convert an event into a task by selecting Is a Task.

    Adding an event to Vivaldi Calendar from right-click context menu

Read More: Essential Vivaldi Browser Tips & Tricks for Speed and Productivity

While Vivaldi lets you customize events even after you've created them, it also allows you to delete them. To delete an event, right-click on the event and select Delete Event.

How to Customize Vivaldi Calendar

Vivaldi Calendar lets you customize notifications, the calendar view, as well as its interface. Here's how to do it.

Customize Vivaldi Calendar's Interface

Vivaldi Calendar has three calendar view modes: Full (default), Compact, and Minimal. Full view mode displays everything about an event, including the title, time, description, link, and location.

Compact view shows similar details, but will minimize the description and link if they're long. The last view, Minimal, only shows event times and titles.

To switch between display modes, choose either of the three options adjacent to Layout on the top right. Alternatively, navigate to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Display. You can also view the calendar by day, week, multiweek, month, year, and agenda.

Display options in Vivaldi Calendar

There's also a hidden setting under Settings > Calendar > Calendar Display called Show Event Property Icons.

Calendar show event property

This instructs the calendar to show more details about an event, like if it's a task or not, as well as whether it's recurring or happens only once.

Customize Notifications in Vivaldi Calendar

In Vivaldi, you also have the power to choose your preferred type of calendar notifications. Go to Settings > Calendar > Calendar Notifications to adjust these options.

Calendar notifications settings

Here, you can select between several notification types, sounds, as well as when you should be notified when an event is about to happen.

Migrate to Vivaldi Calendar

Vivaldi Calendar takes a slightly different approach compared to what we're used to. You can create your events locally so you can keep them only to yourself. Not to mention that Vivaldi is easy to use and convenient, making it the perfect calendar option for Vivaldi users, as well as anyone who just wants a change.

About The Author


Alvin Wanjala (27 Articles Published)

Alvin Wanjala has been writing about technology for over 2 years. He writes about different facets, including but not limited to mobile, PC, and social media. Alvin loves programming and gaming during downtimes.

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