GitHub - six-ddc/plow: A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time...

 3 years ago
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Plow is a HTTP(S) benchmarking tool, written in Golang. It uses excellent fasthttp instead of Go's default net/http due to its lightning fast performance.

Plow runs at a specified connections(-c) concurrently and real-time records a summary statistics, histogram of execution time and calculates percentiles to display on Web UI and terminal. It can run for a set duration(-d), for a fixed number of requests(-n), or until Ctrl-C interrupted.

The implementation of real-time computing Histograms and Quantiles using stream-based algorithms inspired by prometheus with low memory and CPU bounds. so it's almost no additional performance overhead for benchmarking.

❯ ./plow -c 20
Benchmarking using 20 connection(s).
> Real-time charts is listening on

  Elapsed        8.6s
  Count        969657
    2xx        776392
    4xx        193265
  RPS      112741.713
  Reads    10.192MB/s
  Writes    6.774MB/s

Statistics    Min       Mean     StdDev      Max
  Latency     32µs      176µs     37µs     1.839ms
  RPS       108558.4  112818.12  2456.63  115949.98

Latency Percentile:
  P50     P75    P90    P95    P99   P99.9  P99.99
  173µs  198µs  222µs  238µs  274µs  352µs  498µs

Latency Histogram:
  141µs  273028  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  177µs  458955  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  209µs  204717  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  235µs   26146  ■■
  269µs    6029  ■
  320µs     721
  403µs      58
  524µs       3


Binary and image distributions are available through the releases assets page.

Via Go

go get github.com/six-ddc/plow

Via Docker

docker run --rm --net=host ghcr.io/six-ddc/plow
# docker run --rm -p 18888:18888 ghcr.io/six-ddc/plow

Via Homebrew

brew install plow



usage: plow [<flags>] <url>

A high-performance HTTP benchmarking tool with real-time web UI and terminal displaying


  plow -c 20 -n 100000
  plow https://httpbin.org/post -c 20 -d 5m --body @file.json -T 'application/json' -m POST

      --help                    Show context-sensitive help.
  -c, --concurrency=1           Number of connections to run concurrently
  -n, --requests=-1             Number of requests to run
  -d, --duration=DURATION       Duration of test, examples: -d 10s -d 3m
  -i, --interval=200ms          Print snapshot result every interval, use 0 to print once at the end
      --seconds                 Use seconds as time unit to print
      --body=BODY               HTTP request body, if start the body with @, the rest should be a filename to read
      --stream                  Specify whether to stream file specified by '--body @file' using chunked encoding or to read into memory
  -m, --method="GET"            HTTP method
  -H, --header=K:V ...          Custom HTTP headers
      --host=HOST               Host header
  -T, --content=CONTENT         Content-Type header
      --listen=":18888"         Listen addr to serve Web UI
      --link=""  Link addr used for show Web html and request backend server
      --timeout=DURATION        Timeout for each http request
      --dial-timeout=DURATION   Timeout for dial addr
      --req-timeout=DURATION    Timeout for full request writing
      --resp-timeout=DURATION   Timeout for full response reading
      --socks5=ip:port          Socks5 proxy
      --version                 Show application version.

  <url>  request url


Basic usage:

plow -c 20 -n 10000 -d 10s

POST a json file:

plow -c 20 --body @file.json -T 'application/json' -m POST



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