How can Product Managers deal with multiple stakeholders: iIntroducing the Group...

 3 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/movin-jain-phonepe-seek/
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iIntroducing the Group Mentoring Session by Movin Jain, Director of Product, PhonePe

Product managers have to wear multiple hats. Apart from being master communicators, they need to learn the art of managing different stakeholders across the org. Right from engineering to marketing, sales, support, and of course, the leadership team.

This is almost a political role, minus the power (and influence).

And this isn’t easy. Most product managers struggle with this in their career.

And this is where SEEK mentoring comes to the rescue.

Learn the art of managing stakeholders in this group mentoring session by SEEK mentor Movin Jain.

Movin Jain is Director of Product at PhonePe and before that he has worked as Vice President (Products) at Meesho and Associate Director of Products at Ola.

Topic: The Art of Managing Stakeholders

As a PM, you deal with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, with different incentives, thought processes, roadmaps targets and context. Yet you need them to believe in you and your product, your execution and your roadmap.

How can you as a PM, win trust and alignment from your stakeholders, and thus be more effective in your role?

I will share my experiences working in various small and large teams during this candid, interactive session.

Movin Jain

Date: June 19 [Saturday]
Timing: 5 PM onwards
Ideal for: Product Managers (including senior to VP product managers)
Format: Interactive | BYOQ [Bring Your Own Questions].
Pricing: Rs. 399 (no discount code available)
100% proceeding from SEEK go to charities.

Movin Jain is also a mentor on SEEK platform and has helped more than 20 product managers on questions related to their career.

The SEEK mentorship platform, in partnership with FWD app brings together leading professionals from across domains such as Product Management, Entrepreneurship, Technology and many more to ensure you and the rest of India gets #UnStuck asap. Book a slot with a SEEK mentor to gain meaningful mentorship access and 100% of the proceeds go to Covid-19 charities. 
Download the FWD app (Android, iOS) to learn product management and marketing from the gods themselves (bonus: it is super affordable).

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