Covid-19 Vaccine Mythbusters

 3 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/web-stories/covid-19-vaccine-mythbusters/
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Covid-19 Vaccine Mythbusters
How to register for the COVID-19 vaccine on the CoWin platform?

Covid-19 Vaccine Mythbusters

Some people are busy spreading myths over social media that are clouding people’s judgment on whether to get vaccinated or not.

Some people are busy spreading myths over social media that are clouding people’s judgment on whether to get vaccinated or not.

Today, we are going to bust some of those myths and clear any lingering doubts you have regarding COVID-19 vaccine.

Today, we are going to bust some of those myths and clear any lingering doubts you have regarding COVID-19 vaccine.

MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines were developed in a rushed manner

Though the vaccines were completed in record time, they weren't developed in a rush!

MYTH: You don’t need a second shot of the vaccine

The total protection is only ensured through two doses of the vaccines. Both the doses should be of the same vaccine.

How to register for the COVID-19 vaccine on Arogya Setu App?

MYTH: Vaccine is not meant for older adults with poor health conditions

Older adults are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. So, they should get vaccinated as soon as possible.

MYTH: You might contract adverse effects from the vaccine if you have any allergies

There is no serious adverse effect. You might get a mild hay fever or food allergy post-vaccination although.

MYTH: Since you recovered from COVID-19, you don’t need the vaccine  Many people got COVID-19 again, even after their recovery. This is why a person who has recovered from COVID-19 needs to get vaccinated.

MYTH: Since you recovered from COVID-19, you don’t need the vaccine

Many people got COVID-19 again after recovering. This is why a person who has recovered from COVID-19 needs to get vaccinated.

MYTH: Pregnant women can’t get vaccinated  Like older adults, pregnant women are at high risk of contracting COVID-19 too. After proper consultation from the obstetrician, any pregnant woman can get vaccinated.

MYTH: Pregnant women can’t get vaccinated

Pregnant women are also at a high risk of contracting COVID-19. After consulting from the obstetrician, one can get vaccinated.

It’s important that even after getting vaccinated, you follow the basic norms and precautions.

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