“I could rewrite curl”

 3 years ago
source link: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2021/05/20/i-could-rewrite-curl/
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“I could rewrite curl”

Collected quotes and snippets from people publicly sneezing off or belittling what curl is, explaining how easy it would be to make a replacement in no time with no effort or generally not being very helpful.

These are statements made seriously. For all I know, they were not ironic. If you find others to add here, please let me know!

Listen. I’ve been young too once and I’ve probably thought similar things myself in the past. But there’s a huge difference between thinking and saying. Quotes included here are mentioned for our collective amusement.

I can do it in less than a 100 lines


I can do it in a three day weekend

(The yellow marking in the picture was added by me.)


No reason to be written in C

Maybe not exactly in the same category as the two ones above, but still a significant “I know this” vibe:


We sold a curl exploit

Some people deliberately decides to play for the other team.


This isn’t a big deal

It’s easy to say things on Twitter…

This tweet was removed by its author after I and others replied to it so I cannot link it. The name has been blurred on purpose because of this.


Hacker news, Reddit

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