Github GitHub - telegram-sms/telegram-sms: An SMS-forwarding Robot Running on Yo...

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/telegram-sms/telegram-sms
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Telegram SMS

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News, Questions and Contributions

Because the XDA updates itself to XDA2021, XDA Labs has been closed. I am sorry for this and I can no longer provide the XDA Lab version of Telegram SMS. You can still use the GitHub version to update your Telegram SMS. If you request a refund, please contact me via [email protected]

You can follow the Telegram channel Telegram SMS Change Log for the latest news. English, 简体中文

Please visit https://reall.uk to submit and discuss issues regarding this project.

请访问 https://reall.uk 提交并讨论有关此项目的问题。

The primary language used for commit messages is Simplified Chinese. However, you're welcome to use English in commit messages when making contributions.

If you want to generate the configuration QR code in a fast way, please visit qrcode.telegram-sms.com.

Get the Right Version

Warning: All versions are not compatible (not signed by the same key)! You have to uninstall one first to install another, which will delete all your data.

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Telegram SMS compat

Android 5.0 or lower? Click to download the latest and greatest.


  • Forward SMS text messages to Telegram as a bot;
  • Notification regarding missed calls;
  • Notification regarding device battery power changes;
  • Remote control via chat command or SMS.


This app requires following permissions to work properly:

  • SMS: To read and send text messages.
  • Phone: Check whether it is a dual SIM-Card phone, the SIM status and its identification digits.
  • Call phone: Execute the USSD code.
  • Call log: Read incoming numbers.
  • Camera: Scan the QR code and quickly enter the Bot Token.
  • Notification access: Listen for notification messages.

You can set this APP as the default SMS APP, which will stop popping up SMS notifications and set all received SMS as "read" on the phone.

User Manual


Telegram-SMS is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License.

CodeauxLib is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License.

Artwork Use free fonts licensed by the whole society: 站酷庆科黄油体

Copyright of the artwork belongs to @walliant. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Cover Author: @YJBeetle

Download resource file of the artwork: mega.nz

Character set:

  • Name: Fay (菲, フェイ)
  • Birthday: 1st October, 2018
  • Place of birth: Fujian, China
  • Zodiac sign: Libra
  • Habits: Eat sweets, Maid dress, Listen Heavy metal music

Designed by Reall with love in Fujian, China


This APP uses the following open source libraries:

The creation of this APP would not be possible without the help from the following people:

I would also like to thank the following people for their hard work to localise this project:

This APP uses the following public DNS service:

And finally, sm.ms for hosting images used in this page.

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Your donation will make me work better for this project.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK