Github GitHub - purcell/diredfl: Extra Emacs font lock rules for a more colourfu...

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/purcell/diredfl
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Extra font lock rules for a more colourful dired

This is adapted from the extra font lock rules provided by Drew Adams' dired+ package, but published via a modern means, and with support for older Emacsen removed.


If you're an Emacs 24 user or you have a recent version of package.el you can install diredfl from the MELPA repository. The version of diredfl there will always be up-to-date.

Enable diredfl-mode in all dired-mode buffers by calling or customising diredfl-global-mode as desired.

Related packages

dired-hacks also contains some enhanced font-lock support for dired, but with different goals from this package.


Author: Steve Purcell

Homepage: https://github.com/purcell/diredfl

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