Github GitHub - rgrinberg/evil-quick-diff: linediff.vim for evil

 3 years ago
source link: https://github.com/rgrinberg/evil-quick-diff
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This is a replacement for the linediff.vim plugin. It's not a faithful port, as it uses ediff for diffing, but the spirit is the same.

The implementation itself is heavily based on evil-exchange.

The default operator key for diffing is god. While goD is used for canceling.


(use-package evil-quick-diff
  ;; change default key bindings (if you want) HERE
  ;; (setq evil-quick-diff-key (kbd "zx"))


You can change the default bindings by customizing evil-quick-diff-key and/or evil-quick-diff-cancel-key before evil-quick-diff-install is called.

Wish List

  • Support linewise and wordwise diffing. Ediff doesn't seem to have a convenient way to do this easily.

  • Support diffing post pretty-printing. To diff things such sexpressions easily.

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