Feature update: Private training schedule, family memberships enhancement and mo...

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.maonrails.com/blog/feature-update-private-training-schedule-family-memberships-enhancement-and-more/
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We wanted to share with you what we’ve been working on for the month of March / early April. Some of the new features / enhancement you’ve likely seen already, and some of it is less obvious, so read below to learn more about what is new.

Private Training Schedule

We’ve added the option to separate the gym schedule into a regular schedule and a private training schedule. This should help with cleaning up your schedule for your website or member portal, if you have many private training sessions that overlap with your regular schedule.

You can manage the private training schedule from the gym schedule management screen. If you have at least one instructor, you would see the “Private Training” option above the schedule on the right.


The private training schedule will show up as a separate tab everywhere the regular schedule is shown. Private training sessions would also show up in the booking widget.

Additionally, instructors are able to set their own availability for the private training schedule through their staff user accounts.

Family Membership Pricing

We’ve expanded the functionality of the family-shared membership option, by allowing to set different price points depending on the number of active family members in the family account.


This should make the family-shared option more useful when you want a family to have only one payment for all members. The price would automatically adjust when members are added or removed to the family, or their status changes (frozen, cancelled or reactivated).

Note that if you add family pricing to an existing membership option, it would not affect any currently active memberships until there is a change to their family account (such as a new family member joining).

Customizing the member portal contact form

We’ve adding options for customizing the contact form members use in their online account. You can set the description above the form, and create pre-defined topics for members to contact you about. You can also set different destination Email addresses for the different topics.


To customize the member portal contact form, head over to the members settings, and click on the “Manage member portal contact form” button above the notification settings.

Scheduled freezes / cancellations and related Email notifications

We’ve added the ability to schedule a member freeze or cancellation to a future date. The option is available through the regular freeze / cancellation form:


When a freeze has been scheduled, it would show on the member profile under their status:


The scheduled freeze / cancellation can be aborted by clicking on the “x” button near the notification on the member profile.

To support scheduled freezes / cancellations, we’ve also added 2 system Emails that can be sent to the member, confirming their account has been frozen / cancelled. When freezing or cancelling a member, either immediately or in the future, you can toggle a box on whether to send them an Email confirmation that their status has changed accordingly.

You can edit the content of those Email notifications by going to “Gym” -> “System Emails” (this was previously titled “Email Templates”).

A few minor enhancements in this update:

  • Membership cards can now be accessed by members through their online account, and saved / printed, or displayed on their mobile phone. This should allow you to use our membership cards feature without actually printing any cards. Members can access their card by clicking on the barcode icon next to the “Edit” button in the main profile screen.
  • Text / SMS replies from leads now create 1-on-1 conversations through the system, similar to how it works when texting members.
  • The schedule can now be filtered by program / instructor using dropdown, to allow members to easily find the sessions relevant to them. The schedule mobile view has also been optimized to be easier to quickly scan through.
  • You can now display a sequential invoice number on invoices and receipts. You can turn on this option in your billing settings.
    Invoice number

That’s it for this update! As usual, your feedback and comments are very much appreciated! Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns and we’d be happy to help you out.

Posted byEran GalperinApril 10, 2021April 10, 2021Posted inFeatures

Published by Eran Galperin

Eran has been building software and companies for over 15 years, and is a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In 2016 he founded Martial Arts on Rails, online software for managing gyms and martial arts schools. View more posts

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