Active Learning with Carl E. Wieman

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.lindau-nobel.org/al/
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Active Learning with Carl E. Wieman

What is active learning and how does it work? Is it really better than currently used methods? What are its strengths, what are its weaknesses? To discuss these questions, Carl E. Wieman and several education practitioners and experts met in Lindau during the 69th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. The results are available as a video (below) and are also discussed in this Nature Outlook supplement on physical oceanography and on our blog.

Video as Featured in Nature Outlook: Don’t Lecture Me! Carl E. Wieman & Active Learning 

Agora Talk with Carl E. Wieman: Taking a Scientific Approach to Physics Teaching and Learning

Panel Discussion: The Future of Education in Sciences

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