iPhone 13 - we got DETAILS! (CultCast

 3 years ago
source link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKuuB0oHayo
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iPhone 13 - we got DETAILS! (CultCast #485​)

•Streamed live on Mar 25, 2021
☑️ iPhone 13 may boast 1TB storage, LiDAR on all models ☑️ Leaked iPhone 13 screen panel photo shows shrinking notch ☑️ Apple leaker Jon Prosser shaves eyebrows after missing key prediction ☑️ HomePod Mini Features Dormant Temperature and Humidity Sensor That Could Be Activated in a Future Software Update ☑️ Two College Roommates and Some Robots: How Podswap Replaces AirPod Batteries

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