Yahoo Officially Kills Off Yahoo Answers

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/yahoo-officially-kills-off-yahoo-answers-532612.shtml
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Yahoo is shutting down its questions and answers forums

There was a time when Yahoo Answers was the go-to destination for anyone who wanted to get support on a specific topic, but just like Yahoo itself, this service gradually lost ground, eventually become a land that few people know it still exists.

And as it turns out, the number of users still accessing Yahoo Answers these days is incredibly small, so the parent company took the obvious decision and decided to discontinue the service.

Yahoo Answers will go offline on May 4, according to Yahoo itself, so all links on the questions and answers platforms will just point users to the main Yahoo homepage.

Posting to be locked as soon as this month

If you still have data stored on Yahoo Answers, you can retrieve it by June 30.

“Your Yahoo Answers data download will return all user-generated content including your Questions list, Questions, Answers list, Answers, and any images. You won't be able to download other users' content, questions, or answers. The content download is optional. However, if you choose to download your Answers content, you must do so before June 30, 2021. Our team works as fast as possible to make data available, but it can take up to 30 days to receive your content download,” Yahoo explains.

Starting April 20, users would no longer be able to post new questions and answers, after which the shutdown will occur on May 4 once and for all.

Yahoo doesn’t have a replacement for its questions and answers platforms, so the company recommends users to just head over to Yahoo Search for any information they might need.

The company admits that the interest in this platform has declined lately, so it just wants to direct its resources to other products that make more sense. No other specifics have been shared, but the dead of Yahoo Answers seems like we’re about to witness the end of another era.

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